2.24 ; judge

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She didn't think him killing Randell would've made any sense at all. Everyone stood around not knowing what to do. "We'll figure it out." Shane announced to the group, "Just carry on," Finishing the conversation.

Natalie looked to the ground and made her way towards Shane standing in front of him. "You're not letting him do this?" Knowing that even Shane knew Rick wasn't the one to kill a living man. "He's trying to prove something to you,"

"Everyone is aware." Shane agreed talking to her with the two of them not being secret about everything. "He's a threat, you heard what Dale said. It's for your protection out of everything."

"Shane not everything needs to be for my protection." Turning and looking down at the ground. She couldn't lie that she was scared about the whole thing about the man being here not knowing what he and his buddies could do if they found them. "It's for the group."

"For me, it's for you" Shane tried to get through her head. "And it's only going to be for you and this baby...Natalie, let me do that." Grabbing her by her neck a bit and kissing the top of her head. Natalie nodded patting his cheat a little bit before making her way to Carl once more since she was supposed to help him with studying this time.


Lori and Natalie were together doing laundry hanging it on the rope. Silently Lori had turned to the girl knowing she wasn't aware of anything going on, not knowing if she wanted to hear it from her mother or the mouth of Shane himself.

"There's no stopping your father," Folding the clothes that were in her hand. "But I'm going to be talking to your father about asking Hershel if we can stay in the house, it's getting cold and you're going to be growing soon..."

Shaking her head not knowing what was going on. "I don't want everyone to move on my accord," Natalie told Lori. "But thank you, I've never told you that..."

"I'm your mom, you don't need to thank me." Lori declined eyeing Natalie and looking at her. "All I can ask is for you to stay safe, Shane or not, you are still my little girl. I think your father can say the same thing."

"Well, I am, thankful." Turning back to the laundry that was in front of her. "I know I didn't show it much,"

"Never, but you didn't know better." Lori smiled at Natalie, before holding on for a second and "None of us did, I think you know better now." Neither of them had said another word counting that's all Natalie wanted to hear from her Mom a small smile had formed on her lips softly.

Waiting a second; "Love you, Mom." Lori smiled to herself since those words had never come out of Natalie's mouth in a while.

"Love you too, Iris" Lori eyed her daughter; kissing the top of her head since they were close enough to do so. Natalie had waited a second before continuing to fold the clothes that were in front of her.

Shane walked over to Natalie and Lori with Carl going the other way with his head down as if he was ashamed of something. "Nat, can I talk to you?" Standing and shifting on his feet hands resting on his hips.

Furrowing her eyebrows eyeing him, almost irritated about something that was going on counting Shane was breathing heavily. "Go, I'll finish" Lori said thinking that Natalie was going to find out finally about everything that was going on since Shane was supposed to tell her already since Lori had found out about it.

Pulling her aside holding onto her arm softly; "Carl was talking to Randell..." Telling her ducking his head and eyeing Lori who was in the distance from them now. "Told me not to tell his parents so...I'm telling you,"

Crossing her arms; "He's trying to get himself killed, Natalie." Biting her lip confused about what to do knowing that Carl wouldn't want Natalie to know about anything going on since she would try and talk to him. "Maybe you can talk to him or something."

western nights ( shane walsh )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang