"So anyway," Kyoya spoke from across the room, "Carla, why are you ignoring us?"

The red-head girl glanced around the room as every Host's eyes lay upon her. Coolly, she said, "Now you know how (Y/N) felt when you ignored her letter." Carla noted how Tamaki's smile faded and how his skin seemed to pale a little. 

Regretfully, the blonde stammered out something of an apology. "I- I'm sorry Carla, could you... could you tell (Y/N) I'm sorry?" His eyes pricked with tears, a heart-breaking sight even for those who weren't in love with the boy. "We... We did actually go Carla, I promise," he quickly said, mustering all the strength he could to keep himself composed.

Noticing Tamaki was on the verge of bursting into tears, Kyoya filled in. "Yes, we did go Carla. Could you tell (Y/N) that when we entered the hall, Ryuk was there talking to the three of you and, well, we didn't want him to be angry at (Y/N), so we decided to leave."

After a long, shaky breath, Tamaki nodded. "I couldn't bear to think what he'd do to her if he saw us talking," he gloomily said, earning nods and hums of agreement from the others in the room.

Suddenly, a pink bunny appeared in front of Carla's eyes. Below stood a saddened Honey, who asked Carla to tell (Y/N) Usa-chan gave her a hug. Mori, too, nodded at the blonde's statement, asking quickly to be involved with the 'hug'.

"Of course," Carla replied with a smile, livening up after hearing the Host's side of the story.

"And Carla?" spoke Kaoru, earning the girl's attention. 

She swivelled round to find both Hikaru and Kaoru stood in front of her, mischievously. "Tell (Y/N) to stop ignoring us in class," they purred in unison.

The girl scoffed. "You know she literally can't," Carla defended.

"We have your middle school pictures," they swiftly threatened (politely) with a grin, completely changing how Carla addressed them.

"Well, fine. I'll tell her to."


In (Y/N)'s room, both Carla and (Y/N) sat on her silky bedsheets playing Mario Kart on (Y/N)'s Nintendo Switch. "I win!" (Y/N) screamed, watching as Princess Daisy (the character she played) did her victory dance on screen. 

Carla sighed, watching as her character, Toad, was blown up by a blue-shell. "You always win," she grumbled, rolling her eyes as she finished third. Reluctantly, she peered to her side to see (Y/N), sitting expectantly on the bed. With an eyeroll, Carla groaned, "Fine, ask me." 

The two weren't just playing any old game of Mario Kart, no, it had their own spin on it. Alongside the actual game, they'd decided to play their own game. The rules? Whoever beat the other in a race could ask the other whatever they wanted.

"So!" (Y/N) exclaimed, placing her controller onto the bed and turning her attention toward her best friend. "When you ignored the club - how did it go?" she asked with a smile.

Carla's heart dropped. Out of all the questions (Y/N) could've asked, that was the one Carla didn't want her to. She knew that if (Y/N) found out how Tamaki and the others reacted once Carla confronted them, she'd be completely smitten once more and, as much as Carla enjoyed (Y/N) and Tamaki's 'will they won't they' trope, (Y/N) had made so much progress in getting over Tamaki that Carla didn't want to ruin. "Oh," she chuckled awkwardly, "I can't really remember," she blatantly lied.

(Y/N) snorted, chuckling at her friend, "You did it yesterday. Be serious, how did it go?"

"If I tell, promise you won't go back to liking him? You've come so far..." Her pinkie extended, signalling (Y/N)'s should, too, to make a pinkie promise - a promise to never be broken.


Deeply inhaling, Carla began to explain. "Well, when I mentioned how they ignored you, Tamaki almost immediately went pale and begun crying. It seemed as if he was really sorry for doing it, (Y/N)," she gently said. "I was told it was because they saw us with Ryuk and they didn't want to get you in trouble, so they left instead."

(Y/N) nodded her head. In the past, her heart would've swelled knowing Tamaki was upset over his actions, however this time, she just felt sorrow - a pain in her heart telling her something wasn't right. Her brows knit together in confusion as she concentrated on her feelings, trying to pinpoint her overwhelming sense of unease.

Snapping (Y/N) abruptly out of her thoughts, Carla's arms wrapped around the girl. (Y/N) sat, stunned, on her bed while Carla's warm embrace enveloped her. Pulling away, Carla smiled, "That was from Honey, Usa-chan and Mori."

(Y/N) smiled at the heart-warming gesture. "That's sweet," she commented with a teeny smile.

"Oh, before I forget," Carla quickly said, cutting in. "The twins want you to speak with them in school."

"Um... Carla, you know I can't. Ryuk would kil-"

"They have old pictures of me. It's blackmail."

"Fine, I'll see what I can do."


"Hey Carls!" (Y/N) smiled, seeing her friend appear at her door. It was a weekend, so Carla was officially on maid duty. 

Formally, Carla bowed to her friend to address her. "Your Father wants to see you in the dining room," she informed.

With a confused look, (Y/N) got up from her desk. "Okay?" she sceptically said, following the tall red-head down the elongated corridor. 

Just before arriving at the destination, Carla turned to the girl. With a smile, she gave intriguing news to (Y/N). "You have a visitor." Before (Y/N) could say anything, Carla had walked away, leaving the girl nothing but information someone was there, on the other side of the door, to see her and that she'd meet them as soon as she walked into the room.

'Fuck' (Y/N) thought, grasping the cold, shiny brass doorknob, which held the answer to all her questions: "Who is it?", "Why are they here to see me?", "Am I in trouble?"

Slowly, she turned the handle, heart racing in anticipation as she pushed the door forwards.

"Hello, (Y/N)."

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