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Chapter 141 Successfully settled in

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Popular recommendations: I, the Sword God of China, My Wife, The Demonic Empress, The Man with Thirty Palms, Prison Real Immortal, Overbearing President, Dont Take Off My Vest, Genshin Impact: After being cleared by a traveler with only two skills , the Eighth Princess Royal Family becomes the master of the gym. Trainer: From Escape from the Lava Team and start the online game King of Beasts : I'm here to move bricks, why am I invincible?

Because the zombies he had gone through so much trouble to find and transport...were all eliminated? !

Zeng Hong clenched his fists and looked in confusion as Yu Linyin's team was handling the zombie remains.

"...What the hell, come on! Attack them secretly, the rebels will never give up!" Zeng Hong growled angrily.

All his zombies were destroyed by a hammer? So infuriating!

After Yu Linyin and his team took care of the scene, they were about to go into the supermarket to warm up when they saw Zeng Hong rushing over with his men.

"Captain Yu, he seems to have no more supernatural energy..."

As soon as team member A finished speaking, Zeng Hong was about to activate his supernatural power.

Zeng Hong shouted in his heart, "I'll send you into an ice cave this time. Let's see how you still scream!"

He deliberately hid his hand on the way over! A big hole was made on a frozen artificial lake in City A, which happened to be within the range of his teleportation power. He was afraid that something would go wrong along the way.

At this moment, his supernatural energy is full, and taking away Yu Linyin and the others won't be a problem.

"You cover me first, and then go to the supermarket and catch that girl." Zeng Hong came to the entrance of the supermarket, looked at the crowds of people in the supermarket and ordered.

His abilities activate very quickly, so he is very confident.

As soon as Shanna calmed down the new customer, the system prompted her that the villains and the culprits were coming.

"I'm worried that I can't find him, you're a pest." Shannai's little tiger teeth gnashed, and he turned around and said to everyone, "Don't worry, everyone, as I just explained, the zombie group just now was an accident, those evil people I We will deal with them now!"

[Host, send them directly to the highest level zombie pile. 】

The system flew out and followed Shannai.

"okok~quick fix, don't let the new customers see our joke."

Shannai and the system came to the door proudly, pouting their little mouths, clasping their waists with their hands, and staring at Zeng Hong who was about to use his superpower.

"Since you like zombies so much, I'll send you to join them!" After saying that, he didn't forget to say "Humph."

Zeng Hong narrowed his eyes and locked eyes with Shan Nai's petite and exquisite figure. Without saying a word, he raised the machine gun in his arms and fired wildly at Shan Nai and Yu Linyin.

'Bang bang bang! '

His men followed suit and opened fire.

[Warning: Anyone found to harm the boss maliciously will be thrown into the highest zombie group! 】

✓ The days when I opened a supermarket in the apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now