Chapter 44: A Grand Game (1)

Start from the beginning

Whoever had said that 'what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger' had never spoken truer words.

'Now, I need to send Karnilla a message. My telepathy won't reach so far as another pocket dimension. So, I guess I will have to use magic.' I thought to myself as I wondered which spell could possibly achieve this feat. I now knew thousands of spells that existed in the Harry Potter-verse, not just a few spells mentioned in the books and movies. So a spell that could send messages through vast distances using the strength of my magic, to even another dimension wasn't something that didn't exist at all.

"Mensagero Patronum" I whispered while imagining a happy memory of me having a threesome making sure to clearly visualize and encode the message that I wanted to send through my magic along with the coordinates of this place that I had gotten from the minds of the bug soldiers in front of me.

immediately a wave of dense magical energy left from my fingers as it whooshed away to its destination. I wasn't able to see what my patronus was since it didn't take its true form in front of me. So, Karnilla would be the first one to see it. I hope it isn't something disgusting like a centipede or a leech, otherwise, I would be losing my self-respect in front of her.

'Anyway, let's hope she gets this.' I hopefully thought because if she didn't then there was a chance that a lot of people were going to be planetless very soon since this planet was extremely unstable right now with all that trash on it along with the dwindling energy of its core.

While I was thinking about all this, our group soon reached the main castle in the city while following our new guides. The city itself looked like a normal Earth city where certain sections of the city looked rich and plentiful while other locations looked like the people there hadn't eaten for days.

The entire 'alien Metropolis' was filled with aliens of different races. The main populace consisted of mainly the Shadow People, the red-skinned Imperials, and the bug-like Spikes who were mostly dressed like soldiers but there were also other alien species among them whose numbers seemed to be vastly less when compared to the previous three species. There were even a couple of races who resembled regular humans among them.

"Wow, this is truly a discovery of immense proportions. Intelligent alien life on another planet. This discovery... it can change the world as we know it." Reed mumbled to himself, his voice trembling with astonishment as he and the others looked at all the aliens around us who were minding their own business, not even giving us so much of a glance.

"It will and quite soon at that too," I responded cryptically.

Soon, we entered the tallest building beside the spaceship at the city's center. It was taller than almost all the buildings on Earth except the one that I had made my people construct in Genosha which was a tiny bit bigger than this one.

"Guys, I am not feeling well. It's like my entire body is itching. That radiation didn't give me skin cancer, did it?" Ben asked with a painful expression on his face as he looked at me for an answer.

"Nope, you are perfectly healthy. You are just manifesting your powers." I answered offhandedly as I glanced at his skin which seemed to be slowly drying up and hardening. "Just endure it a little more, you will soon have a room to rest in."

The palace-like building was more luxurious than the entire mega-city combined. From orgies to exotic dance, there was almost every type of entertainment going on here. And enjoying it all was an 'old man' sitting on a throne on the top floor with a huge grin on his face. He looked like he loved the perversion that surrounded him. At first glance, there was nothing special about him except his blue skin color and face, which looked strangely similar to Jeff Goldblum's. But somehow despite his childish conduct, he emitted an aura of power and authority.

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