Chapter 166 - Breaking (5)

Start from the beginning

“I’m not sure yet.”

As if understanding Woojin’s character, a smile spread across Director Ahn Ga-bok’s wrinkled mouth.

“That’s okay. Asking directly might be a bit premature.”

Director Ahn Ga-bok, brushing back his white-haired head, changed the subject.

“Hmm- then, shall we talk about something else? Things were a bit hasty in Da Nang. You can just think of it as being very interested in you.”

“Thank you.”

“What for, no need to thank me.”

At this point, a sense of gravity came into the leisurely eyes of Director Ahn Ga-bok.

“I formally request it, I would like Woojin to appear in my movie. I’m very eager.”

The baton was then passed to the film company’s CEO seated next to Director Ahn Ga-bok.

“As you said in Da Nang, I understand that you’re not particularly interested in the Cannes Film Festival. I also understand where your focus is. However, with Kang Woojin’s current filmography, winning an Academy Award is impossible, I assure you.”


“Of course, the pace of your growth is unprecedented and insane. Even so, if we go by the book, it would lightly take over 5 years. After all, even top actors with 10, 15 years of experience can’t even cross the threshold.”

As Woojin listened to the explanation, his gaze shifted to Director Ahn Ga-bok, who had his arms crossed. Soon, the corners of the veteran’s mouth slightly rose.

“Ah, only you and I know that Woojin is only interested in the Academy Awards. In that regard, CEO Jang is more of an expert than I am.”

So, Grandpa? Where did that Academy Award come from? Woojin sighed inwardly. Misunderstandings were overflowing right in front of him. Indeed, this veteran was the main culprit. However, questioning the old master now would be foolish.

He just forced a calm and composed demeanor.

“I’m listening.”

Woojin murmured in a low tone, and the film company’s CEO continued the explanation.

“However, the situation changes 180 degrees if you make a mark at Cannes. It’s somewhat of a shortcut.”

Director Ahn Ga-bok chimed in.

“It’s like using my movie as a stepping stone. I also want to see how quickly Woojin can reach his goal.”

As the misunderstanding deepened, Director Ahn Ga-bok leaned forward.

“The Cannes Film Festival usually takes place around June. But next year, due to internal circumstances at Cannes, it’s pushed to September. It’s an opportunity for me, as it could have been pushed to the year after next.”

“That’s fortunate.”

Then the film company’s CEO added at the end of his speech.

“But time is tight. Even if it’s pushed back, we need to start cranking in by January next year at the latest, finish cranking up by June, and complete editing before September for submission. However, we already have an offer from Cannes. Director Ahn has had good results at Cannes in the past. Of course, it will go through the selection process, but advancing to the main competition shouldn’t be a problem.”

Detailed explanations followed. Woojin just absorbed the information with an indifferent face.

‘That’s incredibly tight.’

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