Chapter 154

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Holden had heard his foster father mention his first love from his youth, which was more like an unrequited love. However, he had never seen what she looked like, only knowing that his foster father had remained unmarried for her.

His thoughts were diverted by James, who was now talking about the organization's affairs. The original intention of "S" was not so important, as long as they followed the current purpose.

Holden put aside his thoughts and made a solemn promise to James, "I'll go with you, whether it's life or death, I'll follow you."

He had never expressed his loyalty to James before, this was the first time. He thought that James would be moved when he heard it, but James just glanced at him disdainfully and said, "You'll only hold me back."

Holden clenched his fists in anger, "James Evans, don't be so arrogant. I've helped you clean up so many operations. Do you think you could have completed the tasks smoothly without me?!"

James raised his chin, "That's because you're only good at cleaning up."

Holden: ...

This man, why did he always make people want to fight him every time he speaks?!

"Mr. Davies, I have to go accompany my wife. Goodbye."

James left with a sweet remark, showing off his affection for his wife.

"Are you going or not?"

James didn't answer, striding towards the revolving escalator with his long legs.

"Mr. Shawn, do you think you can be left alone if you don't go?"

"Don't forget, you showed your face in Erebus once. Aren't you afraid they'll come looking for you?"

Mr. Shawn had already fallen into his foster father's trap when he agreed to go to Erebus with him to save the child.

His foster father didn't want to drag Mr. Shawn down, but after losing so many S members, he had no choice but to let Mr. Shawn try.

Before letting him enter Erebus, his foster father made sure to prepare him for the rescue, but no one could have thought that he would come out unscathed.

His ability to come back meant that he had the capability, and as a leader with such capabilities, if he didn't lead by example, who else could?

Holden's words made James hesitate for a moment, but he still didn't stop...

Looking at the tall figure walking away without turning back, Holden sighed helplessly. Did he even know that once the people from Erebus came, the first target would be his wife?

He wanted to protect his family, but he was already deeply involved in this mess.

If he didn't clear out these tumors, how could he protect his family?

The soundproofing of the room was very good, and Amelia, who was flipping through project drawings, didn't hear the noise downstairs.

There were still many projects left by her sister that she hadn't finished designing.

After the wedding, she had to speed up the process and complete these projects.

She sat on the sofa, lowered her head, and slid her slender fingertips across the screen of her phone.

In James' eyes, it was a peaceful and beautiful scene...

He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, quietly watching her.

She was pure and beautiful, while he had been trapped in trouble since childhood, everything was bloody.

Would marrying her harm her?

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