Chapter 17

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After he entered, the people present all stood up to welcome him.

Even the bosses of influential groups bent down to invite him in.

Emily stepped forward, took James's arm, and welcomed him with a charming smile.

"James, I thought you wouldn't come," she said.

Emily had invited James this morning, hoping that he would come. Still, he refused on the pretext of avoiding arousing suspicion. She didn't expect him to come.

This made Emily extremely excited. Now that James was here, the relevant personnel would definitely show her some respect.

Just as Emily was feeling happy, James glanced at her hand.

"Let go."

Emily was stunned, and her smile froze on her face.

When Emily saw his indifferent eyes, she was so scared that she immediately let go of him.

Fortunately, the venue was so big that no one could hear him.

Otherwise, Emily would be completely humiliated.

After Emily let go of James, he went straight to the main seat.

The Collins Group was located right behind the main seat.

The closer James got to her, the more flustered Amelia became.

Amelia lowered her head and didn't even dare to look at him.

Fortunately, James didn't notice her and just sat in the main seat.

He was sitting in front of Amelia. Looking up, she could see the back of James's head.

While Amelia was still in a daze, Jackson patted her shoulder. She was so scared that she almost screamed.

Fortunately, she covered her mouth in time and made no inappropriate sounds.

Amelia lowered her voice and asked, "Mr. Collins, what's wrong?"

Jackson checked the time on his watch. "Ms. Garcia, I need coffee before giving a speech? Can you make one for me?"

Initially, he wanted Mr. Smith to made a bid, but now that James was here, Jackson had no choice but to do it himself.

James had always been a strict person. He might lose the right to bid if people made a mistake during the presentation.

Jackson would not allow such a mistake to happen, so he temporarily took over the vice president's role.

Mr. Smith heaved a deep sigh of relief, but Jackson had to sort out all his thoughts in an hour.

To concentrate, he needed to drink coffee to refresh himself. He could only ask Amelia to do this.

Amelia nodded and asked in a low voice, "Is there enough time?"

Jackson blinked and said, "It's not too late for me to be the tenth one."

After learning the time, Amelia didn't ask any more questions. She bent down, got up, and walked toward the venue's back door.

Amelia was not very familiar with the park. When she came out, She searched the whole building several times.

She went to search for someone who can find her way. While Searching she saw Paul.

Amelia mastered her courage and stopped Paul.

Paul asked, "Ms. Garcia, what are you trying to do?"

He was not surprised that Amelia was here, but he was
astonished that she had stopped him. He did not know what her purpose was.

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