Chapter 179

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Alice didn’t hide anything and, directly lifted the blanket to reveal her weak legs to Amelia. “Before I pass away, I have a wish to walk under the sun. But with my current condition, I can’t move due to lack of blood…”

After pausing for a moment, Alice looked guilty and turned to Amelia. “When your mother borrowed money from me, she told me that you, Skender, and I have the same blood type, AB. She said that if I was willing to lend her money, she would help me if I ever needed blood in the future…”

Alice knew she was being unreasonable, but she had to plead with Amelia sincerely. “I’m sorry I didn’t lend her the money at that time, but if possible, I still want you to help me donate blood. Just 400cc is enough to let me stand up…”

Alice’s words sounded genuine, but upon closer inspection, they were full of loopholes.

Firstly, Alice and Skender are not AB type, but rather the common O type. Alice’s mother may have lied about her blood type to borrow money in a desperate attempt to find a cure. Unfortunately, this became one of the reasons why Alice was searching for the two sisters everywhere.

Secondly, 400cc of blood is not enough for Alice to stand up and walk. Alice’s request was just an excuse to draw her blood for testing. What happens after the test is completed will depend on how Alice continues to play her role.

However, before Amelia could respond, a cold voice came from beside her, “My wife’s blood is not for lending.”

The man didn’t even bother to make an excuse and directly refused in a cold tone. Alice’s face stiffened and she slowly turned her gaze towards Amelia, “Child, your aunt only wants a little bit of blood, it won’t harm you…”

After considering for a moment, Amelia looked at Jonny sitting next to her and then proposed a condition to Alice, “If you honestly tell me how you married Samuel, I will let you draw a small tube of blood. If you’re lying, then I’m sorry, I won’t lend you my blood.”

Last night, James had told her that Jonny didn’t know about the past between his parents and thought that Sumasa had intervened. She had to clear up the misunderstanding in front of Jonny for her mother’s sake.

At the same time, Alice wanted a tube of blood for testing. It turned out that she wanted an organ from Skender’s body, but since Skender was gone, she came to her. However, before taking the organ, Alice needed to confirm if her blood was a match. That’s why she needed to draw her blood for testing.

However, what surprised Amelia was that Alice didn’t know that Sumasa wasn’t from the Clark family.

But Herb had mentioned that he had overheard his grandparents talking when he was a child, which was how he found out. It was normal for Alice, who was only one year younger than Sumasa, not to know this secret.

Amelia thought that giving Alice a tube of blood and letting her personally test that she wasn’t from the Clark family, and then using Alice’s words to tell Dominic, would be more authentic and reliable than giving the report herself. It could also dispel Alice’s idea of wanting to take her organs and refresh Jonny’s understanding. It was like killing three birds with one stone.

As soon as Amelia made her proposal, James knew what she was thinking. However, he was reluctant to let anyone take a tube of blood and suffer even the slightest harm.

Amelia held his hand tightly and pressed her fingertips on his palm to signal him not to worry.

Alice didn’t see their small movements and was still immersed in Amelia’s proposal.

The sentence “How did you marry Samuel?” made Alice feel like she was being stripped naked.

It seemed that Amelia knew everything but was still cooperating with her to act. Alice felt a sense of anger at being seen through while still wearing clothes.

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