She was also mad at Daniel for considering it, even though now he explained it she understands it came from a good place. It is just not the way to go.

"You're right. I just feel so fucking useless. I can't do shit because I have to race. You are here, alone, trying to take care of it all. What good is all that money I have if I can't use it to help us? I just want to help you. I want you to be able to sleep again and to eat." Daniel feels a lump in his throat that he can't swallow down. He can't cry though. Stevie needs him to be strong, he can't turn in to a blubbering mess. Not now, not when she is already dealing with so much.

"I sleep and I eat." She tells him.
"No you don't. Don't lie to me. Tina told me you barely touch your food and she hears you walk around at night. I've only been away for a few days and I can tell you lost weight. I don't want you to get sick on top of it all."

Stevie wants to be mad at Tina, but she knows the young woman only means well. She doesn't want to be a snitch, but she is worried about Stevie's wellbeing.

"I'm just not hungry and as soon as I close my eyes I see images of Mitch dragging my kids away from me. I see Cole screaming, crying and kicking to get back to me. I see Zara in a panic because Tiffany is taking her from my arms. I can't sleep because I keep seeing those videos play out in my head and it drives me crazy. If that happens I won't survive."

In the strong, safe arms of the man she loves she cries. Even though she knows they have the odds in their favor, she is still a mother who is scared to death something will happen which will make the unexpected happen.

What if they get an old fashioned judge who feels a mother should stay home with her kids? What if the judge believes the videos Tiffany made? The chances might be slim, but it's not impossible.

"Oh my sweet girl. That's not going to happen. As soon as that judge hears how much we love our kids and how loved they are by everybody around them, they will make the right decision. And then we can all continue to travel the world and enjoy life. Then we can start planning our wedding and the rest of our lives together." Daniel prays he is right, because he knows if this ends badly, he will lose Stevie.


Of course Tiffany and Mitch didn't accept the letter, so it is taken to court. Somehow Martin pulled some strings and he managed to get the date set after the race in Jeddah. Which means the whole team is in the UK for a few days and so is Daniel. Even Joe and Grace flew in so take a stand.

Stevie has a long list of people who wanted to speak up for her, but if everybody would be called up they would probably need a week to hear everybody. So right now it's going to be her and Daniel, her parents, Melissa and Seb, Tina and Charles, Christian, Calum, Carl, Joe and Grace and even Adrian who are going to take a stand for her.

Geri, Christian's wife offered to watch the kids at their farmhouse for the day which was a relief for Stevie. Everyone who usually would watch the kids are going to be in court so this is the perfect solution. Cole was really looking forward to seeing the goats and donkeys again and Christian and Geri's kids were excited to have the two little ones over.

It's the day of the court case and Stevie is in front of her mirror trying to make herself look like a responsible mother. She has her hair up in a bun, but she hates how it makes her look. It's just not her and as she looks at herself in the mirror she sighs.

Daniel walks in buttoning up his light blue shirt when he hears her sigh.
"What's going on baby?"
He stands behind her to look at her through the mirror.
"I don't like the way I look. It makes me look ten years older." She points at her bun.

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