"Oh he is so dead!" she growled grabbing her car keys and storming out the door.

Francis meanwhile was sitting by the stage and yelled "Strip!"

Gil didn't hear who said that, just the words, but it sounded like a good idea to him.

By this point half the occupants were filming the albino's antics, and he didn't disappoint, swinging around on the nearest pole, smirking and shedding his hoodie, slowly stalking on the stage, teasingly running hands over his clothed chest.

Francis' eyes widened, still filming. Antonio was watching with maybe a little bit too much enthusiasm.

Grinding on the pole he slowly pulled his shirt off, tossing it into the crowd.

It was at this moment, Antonio found himself staring intently. Francis wolf whistled, and a steaming Hungarian burst through the doors.

Gil had walked to another pole, with some difficult, hanging upside down, still in his boots and jeans. He smirked and run his hand on his chest towards his pants, before he caught sight of his girlfriend.

Drunk or sober, his mind worked enough to know he was in some serious trouble.

That's when he lost his grip on the pole and slid down, hitting his head, then fell flat on his face.

Francis sniggered "Fail."

Gil groaned, but Eliza had no sympathy for him, jerking his by his hair off the stage and to his feet.

He grinned stupidly "Hallo!"

She smacked him across the face and he pouted "Lizzy! That's not nice!"

Francis snickered, still filming this, with every intention of posting it on YouTube.

She grabbed his hoodie from the stage and shoved it at him "Put it on if you enjoy living." She growled

He thought about not listening, but her glare scared him a bit and he put it on.

"We are going home now!" she yelled dragging him to the door.

Francis stopped recording, and kindly sent it to Eliza before going to join Antonio again.

Gil blacked out in the car and when they got home Eliza dragged him into the house and not very nicely threw him on the couch.

In the morning when Gil woke he was aware of two main things. His head hurt a lot.

Then he realized that was only one thing, so he concluded his brain was still not functioning very well.

He groaned and sat up, looking around, his head hammering.

He found Eliza in the chair across from him, the coffee table between them and a laptop on it which she was watching intently.

"You, have over 5,000 views on YouTube." She said as she saw him move.

He rubbed his head "For what?"

"For your epic fail."

He walked over and sat next to her, and she replayed the video for him. His eyes grew wide and he bit his lip.

She was going to murder him.

"BDSM?!" she yelled making him wince

"I didn't know I knew that song..." he muttered

"BAD GIRLFRIEND?!" she yelled again

"Damn I make a hot stripper..." he said wincing again, totally ignoring her

She was about to yell again but he was convinced his head would explode if she did, so he leaned over and kissed her.

Which only worked for about three seconds before she bit his lip hard and shoved him away.

He groaned and rubbed his head, the fast movement not helping his massive hangover.

"Stop Liz..." he begged, just wanting to sleep again

"You deserve it!" she said, hitting is leg

"See? There's the S- sadist!" he smirked lightly, clearly not thinking because he was pushing his limits

Her glare was venomous and she snarled at him "Speak another word and I will tie you up and lock you in your room! You are all over the internet and I'm getting calls from everybody!"

He used his awesome selective hearing and only heard the first sentence.

"Found the B...."

She hadn't slept all night, she was tired, stressed, and pissed at him and in no mood to deal with this.


He glanced at her

She smacked him with her pan and knocked him out, letting him sleep off the hangover and giving her some much needed silence.

Scanning the comments on the video she chuckled "Yes, he does fail...he fails miserably."

She smiled and looked over at his sleeping form "But he does give some good entertainment."

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