Author's Note and Reader Questionnaire

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Author's Note and Reader Questionnaire

Thank you all so much for reading Dark Prince & the Doe! I had so much fun writing it. I really hope you enjoyed it. I've already started working on book two but it is going to be quite a while before I publish any chapters. I'm not even sure what I want to title book 2 yet. 

I want to get a good head start on chapters before publishing any. I also plan on having more Larken POV chapters in book 2, which I'm excited to write! So I have to make sure I have the pacing right. 

I am also going to be editing my first draft of Dark Prince & the Doe. There are errors I've made throughout the book, capitalization inconsistencies, and sections I can make more concise. I tend to be a little too wordy, but I always like to write too much and then cut away the excess, so I've got a lot of editing to do! I'd like to thank those that pointed out errors that they spotted while reading!

I am also going to post additional bonus chapters for this book. I had a lot of fun making some AI character art. I'm not a big fan of AI art but I think it can be a good tool for people who can't make art to visualize their ideas and concepts.

I also want to make a list of characters and a glossary/appendix for this book. There is a lot of characters and world building details to keep track of. If there is any bonus content you'd like to see for book one, let me know.

And, if you have a moment to answer any of these questions below, it would be super helpful in editing book one and in planning book 2. You don't have to answer them all, but I'm always trying to improve my skills as a writer and having people read and comment on my work has already helped me so much.

1. Did you enjoy Dark Prince & the Doe?

2. What did you think of the ending?

3. What did you think was the overarching theme of the book?

4. Who was your favorite character?

5. Is there anything you didn't like, anything you found confusing, anything that took you out of the story, or that you thought was illogical?

6. Was there any chapter or scene that made you uncomfortable (and not in a good way)? Anything that felt inappropriate or cringy? Was there any section that you thought needed a content warning?

7. What did you think of the pacing? Was there any part that seemed too slow or too quick? Was there any part of the book where you found yourself losing interest?

8. Is there anything you'd like to see more or less of in book 2?

9. What were your favorite scene/chapters?

10. What were your least favorite scene/chapters?

11. What mystery/plot are you looking forward to figuring out in book 2?

12. Is there anything you think I can improve upon as a writer?

13. Was there anything you'd like to see explored in more depth from world-building to characters?

14. Were there to many characters? Did you get confused as to who was who? Were there any names that gave you trouble or were too similar?

15. Do you have any questions about the book or about me?

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