Chapter 62: Harmony and Discord

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Chapter 62: Harmony and Discord


Cezanne and Wyak made themselves comfortable at a table, spreading out their papers, inkbottles, and writing implements. Larken shot Calden yet another crooked grin. Calden's poorly restrained anger came snarling back to the surface.

"By the Flame, Larken!" Calden fumed, dragging his brother behind the shelves. Larken chuckled as his elbow knocked old books to the floor with a bang and a flurry of dust. "The Blue Flame will never treat an Atrezin fairly."

"If the princessa intends on bringing peace, the Blue Flame will support her," he insisted, still smiling in the face of Calden's smoldering anger.

"With what the Blue Flame took from us, what curse would she be burdened with?"

"It is a burden every Remerian carries. She would become one of us and have rights, not just as the Lenwar's guest or your Doe, but as a Remerian. Think of the message it would send. A descendant of Pravius, reborn in our flames, choosing to stand with us. It wouldn't win her every Remerian, but it would appease the doubts of many."

"I don't like it," Calden hissed between clenched teeth, pressing his brother against the shelf.

"It's her decision to make, not yours."

Calden twisted his fingers into his brother's shirt. A rap against the wooden bookshelf announced the Bookmaster's presence. Two bags of scrolls and documents were draped over his bent shoulders. Baynir's sharpish eyes locked on the books they'd knocked to the floor. Calden immediately picked up the books, returning them to the correct locations on the shelves.

The old man's gnarled hands made swift gestures, I have the documents on property holdings you requested.

"Who's property holdings?" Calden asked.

"The Mavell Family's. Dylin asked for it," Larken said and took the bag full of documents from the Bookmaster. Judging by the ice in Larken's eyes, Dylin would be made to regret his insults.

I brought texts predating Prince Norin, from Atrezino. These documents are not to leave my sight, Baynir tapped at his cheek under his left eye more forcefully than necessary, expressing he'd be watching them extra carefully. Calden thanked him and made a move to follow the Bookmaster but Larken grabbed Calden and pulled him back behind the bookshelves.

"I'm beginning to see why you've fallen in love with her," Larken whispered.

Calden turned and shook Larken's hand off his shoulder. "I'm not in love with her."

"You are."

The library's quiet was heavy, only the occasional rustle of turning pages and Gale's laughter from downstairs broke the silence. Calden dropped his gaze in defeat. "Your point being?"

"You're going to get your heart broken. At least this time it will be pursuing a woman who is worth it."

"Thanks," Calden seethed behind a sneer. "You've been holding that in for a while, haven't you."

"Since yesterday. I wasn't going to say anything, but then you nearly tore my head off in her defense. If you manage to steal her heart, I won't mind having her as a sister," Larken said – it was rare for him to show approval of anyone. "I admit, I didn't have high hopes for her. I expected her to be pretty, vain, naïve, cruel, and craven. She is a few of those things. I had been prepared to use her for my own ends."

A coldness seeped through Calden's limbs and voice, "Your own ends?"

"The Overlanders will draw the True Remnant rats out of hiding. I did not believe the Atrezins intended to form a peace treaty, but Cezanne's conviction is true. She is confident in her pursuit. Even I am starting to believe she will succeed. We just need to clear the path for her. If we can crush any dissent in Remeria and, if the same can be done in Atrezino, we might make something of this."

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