Chapter 78: A Dangerous Game

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Chapter 78: A Dangerous Game


Kiren and Larken dragged Anne from one furious Remerian to the next, never giving her a moment to catch her breath. Not a single Remerian was pleased to meet her tonight, yet the princes' spirits were not dampened. She'd wager they reveled in every angry glower and growl.

"Look over by the appetizers, it's Pricilla Nicorew. Should we introduce them next," Kiren asked with a predatory smile. They were enjoying this far too much.

"Depends, is her brother with her?" Larken asked, observing the woman like a bird might a brightly-colored beetle – unsure if it would be too nasty to consume. "I'm not facing that foul she-beast without a buffer."

"Do you mind if we head back to the main table? My feet are killing me," Anne lied.

"Aw, we've been keeping the lovebirds apart for far too long," Kiren crooned, readily seeing through her lies. "Don't worry, you'll see Calden soon...if Alanora doesn't devour him."

"Alanora? Don't tell me you sent Calden to speak with her? That was your job!" Larken snarled, jabbing Kiren in the chest with his finger.

"Who's Alanora?" Anne asked warily.

Larken grunted. "She's an elder with immense influence. We need her approval if we want the Abyss to sit at the peace table."

"But the old bat doesn't approve of anything or anyone," Kiren interrupted, brushing his fingers through his shiny black hair. "No matter who spoke with her, the result would be the same. She is set in her ways."

Larken came to an abrupt stop. His pale nose wrinkled as if catching a soured scent. Black claws flicked in and out of his flexing fingertips. "Mother's heading this way, and she has Alyssandra with her."

Kiren cursed, then grumbled, "No matter how many times mother throws her at me, I am not going to marry her."

The queen's midnight blue dress swished across the stone floor. Her proudly arched neck was decorated with sapphires and diamonds. The woman walking beside the queen must be Alyssandra. She was close to Anne in age, with coppery blonde hair braided more extravagantly than most in the room.

"I'm going to find Calden," Kiren said, retreating a step, but Larken snatched him before he got far.

"Oh no you don't, what if she tries to pawn the perfect Alyssandra off on me?" he hissed at his squirming, squawking brother.

"Good evening Larken, aren't you handsome tonight. And Kire!" Queen Valeria exclaimed before hugging Kiren. The prince held one hand in the air, trying to keep his mead from spilling everywhere as she broke the hug. Queen Valeria examined Anne askance. "I see the rumors are true. The princessa is wearing azure blue. How interesting." The queen spoke in such an unaffected way that Anne couldn't tell if she was mad or not.

"This is the princessa?" Alyssandra asked, pointing at Anne. "She looks just like a little Remerian. How delightful!" At least one person didn't seem angry to meet her. Although, Alyssandra's saccharine tone made it clear she considered Anne to be on the same level as a rabbit doing a cute little trick for her entertainment. She'd rather the Undra family's angry grumbles.

"Where is Calden?" Queen Valeria asked, peeking around Kiren as if her youngest son might be crouching in his brother's shadow.

"Not sure," Kiren said, setting his mead on the table and straightening a gaudy ring on his finger. "He might be with the Adderian ambassadors."

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