Chapter Thirty-two: Who's Your Huntress?

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Chapter Thirty-two: Who's Your Huntress?

Calden (Six Years Ago)

Calden kept his head down and eyes averted as he joined the other does and stags gathering at the outer edge of the forest. Occasionally, he'd glance back, hoping to spot Lyrina on the other side of the field. Almost all the hunters and huntresses were wearing black and riding tinderhorses. So, even if she was back there, she'd blend in at this distance.

The Blue Flame had dimmed to little sapphire stars in the cave's darkness above. The moon gleamed at the very edge of the cave. The ceiling was an accurate imitation of the True Sky in the Overlands. At least, that is what Larken had told him.

Of his five brothers, only Larken had seen the True Sky and its infinite expanse. Its infinite opportunities. Calden tried to picture it. Endless. How could something be endless? It had to be some Celestial Aria's doing – an illusion designed to make people believe the sky was infinite, but beyond that was just more dirt and stone. The Overland wasn't special. One day, he'd go up there and find the truth for himself. He'd fly up and up and up and meet the ceiling, just like in the Azure Caves – it appeared endless but it wasn't. Calden had touched the smooth stone of the Azure Caves' sky. One day, he would touch the stone of the True Sky.

The Blue Flames twinkled, crackling in his ears as if to remind him of his curse, of the sacrifice he'd made. He tightened his hands into fists, fingers digging into his palms. No one would ever figure out his curse. He'd never tell anyone. He'd bury it. He'd rather die than admit it. Even to himself.

He'd fight this curse every time he came to Fate's crossroads. He'd take the rocky path he was destined to take and not let his curse force him down the easy path tread by lesser men.

His curse wasn't like his brothers' curses. What he wouldn't trade to be cursed like Prusen, Larken, or Nocturn. Larken's curse was more a gift, honestly. Why couldn't he have an impressive curse too?

Calden shivered, wrapping his arms over his chest, and he wasn't the only one; many of the does were huddled together, their teeth chattering. Calden would catch a cave chill in this ridiculous outfit, but Lyrina was worth it. He smiled to himself. Just because the Blue Flame had taken the irreplaceable from him didn't mean he'd let the Aria take anything else. He and Lyrina were Fated to be, he could feel it. And he'd pursue her. 

The Blue Flame sizzled angrily. "Hah," he whispered under his breath. "You can't stop me. If you wanted my destiny, you should have taken that."

The does and stags were all quietly awaiting the horn to be blown. Even the hushed whispers had died out, replaced by clouds of vapor puffing from everyone's mouths in nervous breaths. Celebrations had been held yesterday and today, but now was the time for the deer to quietly contemplate their futures.

The Hunt was sacred and was to be treated with the utmost respect. It was a trial to prove that a union would be strong enough to overcome any challenge – tonight's challenge being the matchless hunters. Gale, Nocturn, and Kiren were likely back at the starting line, plotting out whose futures they could mess with for the fun of it. Many hunters and huntresses among the mass of riders behind them reveled in interfering with relationships every single year. Gale especially liked riding around and scaring the poor does, bellowing like an angry cave bear the entire time. Kiren had even tried to convince Calden to ride with them this year and scare some pretty deer.

Calden had always thought this tradition was a bit unkind, but his brothers continuously explained this was an important part of The Hunt. The matchless hunters rarely ever grabbed anyone to take home, instead they provided a test for those attempting to earn their partners. The does and stags had to make sure they were caught by the right hunter or huntress. And if their love was not strong enough to overcome tonight's obstacles then they'd have to wait another whole year before they could try for marriage again.

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