Chapter 70: A Walk Through Lucinte

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Chapter 70: A Walk Through Lucinte


Today, they would be given a tour of Lucinte – the capital city of the Azure Caves. The Lenwars had offered them the use of carriages, or they could walk as a group to the unicorn stables. Only Darius, Lady Reina, and Councilman Fain had voted for the carriage ride, but as soon as Fain had opted for the carriage idea, Darius changed his vote. He wouldn't be caught dead agreeing with Fain. Even though they were both traditionalists, they never agreed on anything, which resulted in Darius frequently siding with the Remerians during the meetings to everyone's bafflement.

So far, Anne was enjoying the walk. No one could be miserable on such a fair day! Even Fain was enjoying himself. She hadn't realized how confined she'd felt. Unlike the grand windows she was used to in Atrezin architecture, the Remerian castle barely had any windows at all. She hadn't seen the sun in almost two weeks. The blue-tinged orb in the royal blue skies above may not be the sun she was familiar with, but it was beautiful. She had to keep reminding herself that they were deep underground. They were not outside; they were in a cave. Utterly uncanny.

"Look at the rings he's wearing today, so pretty," Linn whispered, bumping shoulders with some of the other Adderian ladies. They tittered excitedly behind their fans. Prince Kiren's jewelry had become a daily discussion point for the Adderians and, with every day that passed, the amount of jewelry on Kiren's fingers multiplied in accordance with their compliments.

Anne wasn't sure how the prince managed to hold his utensils at breakfast this morning. Each finger had multiple rings stacked on them. Gale was burying a laugh as Kiren pretended not to notice all the Adderians' covetous gazes, but the way he kept moving his hands was clearly to show off.

As the princes guided them through a courtyard, Kiren spoke proudly of Remerian history, pointing towards grand stone statues, flowers, and mosaiced fountains. He was the most exuberant of all their princely guides. The light caught on the gemstones – primarily rubies –, making them glitter on Kiren's fingers.

"Prince Kiren?" an Adderian councilwoman called out.

"Yes?" Kiren turned around, looking smugger than a cat with a bird in his mouth.

"We couldn't help but notice your jewelry, and we were wondering..." The lady raised her fan to her face.

"Would you like to take a closer look?" Kiren asked, holding out his hands and flaring his long fingers out. The Adderians clustered closer, making appreciative croons. Embria hustled past.

"Where are you going?" Marl asked.

"To take a closer look," Embira said as if it were obvious. Her dislike of Remerians must not be enough to quell her interest in jewelry.

"Wait for me," Anne said, letting go of Calden's hand and chasing after Embria.

"Ridiculous," Calden muttered darkly, crossing his arms over his chest. Both Marl and Daniel grunted in agreement. The three of them wore matching glowers – they finally agreed on something.

The Adderians completely encircled Kiren. Except for Adele, Tomas, Sir Orien, and the Duke who stood further back, watching over their awed ambassadors. The Duke smiled and whispered something into Adele's ear and she nodded thoughtfully.

The Duke had changed out of the purple shirt he'd worn to breakfast and into a sheer green silk shirt. If the Adderian ambassadors ever traveled to Atrezino, she would advise they wear more...modest outfits. If the Duke walked into the Emperor's Hold dressed like he was today, it would give the fussy old nobles such a shock, the healers would have to be called to check upon their faint hearts. Many would never recover. Not that any of the younger ladies would complain about such a handsome physique so proudly displayed.

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