Chapter 71: Unfortunately, Unicorns

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Chapter 71: Unfortunately, Unicorns


A tall slated fence of white wood encircled an expansive pasture. The hills were covered in a lush carpet of spring grass, clovers, and little white wildflowers – plenty of room for the unicorns to run and graze. When she had first heard there were unicorns in the Dark Depths, she feared they were trapped in horrid stone stalls, with no sun, no grass, and no freedom. Even in her wildest imagination, she would never have pictured this.

The Blue Flame had built all this for the Remerians and they sacrificed for it. She wanted to know more about what the sacrifice entailed, but Calden was not eager to share. He wouldn't have told her anything at all about sacrifices if it had not been for Larken. Perhaps she should ask Larken her questions?

Embria sidled closer to Anne, pulling her hood back and smiling for the first time all day. Anne smiled nervously back. She was worrying about things when she should be preparing her heart for petting a unicorn.

"Alright ladies," Lydia said, placing her hands on her hips. "Now that the boys are gone, you can meet the unicorns. They are gentle creatures at heart, but can be temperamental – some more so than others. We don't want any accidents today. For your own safety, only the unmarried maidens may enter. The married ladies will be allowed to meet Briar-Rose, Vivi, Sage, and Skitterscamp at the stables, they always like making new friends."

Despite the promise of seeing unicorns later, the married Adderian women were disappointed. Princess Adele clung to the fence forlornly, staring out at all the pretty unicorns.

"The unicorns in this pen are young or have not yet chosen a rider," Lydia said. "They tend to be more accepting of newcomers than a bonded unicorn. A bond between a unicorn and its rider is powerful, becoming a unicorn rider is not a choice we take lightly."

"Could a unicorn bond with us today?" Linn asked, starry-eyed.

Lydia chuckled and gave them all a calm, calm, hand motion like they were a bunch of feisty unicorns themselves. Another Adderian women clutched at Linn's hands, both were a single second away from squealing with excitement. 

"A unicorn might show a special interest in you, but a bond does not form in a single day. If you do feel a special connection with one of the unicorns here, you may choose to pursue a bond, but there are many sacrifices a woman must make if she is to become a unicorn rider," Lydia explained. "Most huntresses prefer to ride tinderhorses, unicorns are not a choice everyone is comfortable making. Do not feel pressured into taking the oaths."

As soon as they entered the pen, three young unicorns approached, craning their necks to get a better look. They were much smaller than Starblossom, their horns not nearly as long. All were white-furred and shimmery. One of the unicorns trotted towards them, raising his hooves high and proud while tossing a silvery mane about. Anne held her breath and she wasn't the only one. So beautiful! His fetlocks were periwinkle purple and feathered. Mud was smeared down one flank, but the unicorn was still so gorgeous. Tears prickled at the corners of Anne's eyes.

"This showoff is one of the young males, born just last summer. He doesn't have a name yet, but we call him Trouble. Don't let his charming good looks deceive you, this scoundrel will fall deeply in love with anyone who has a snack in their palm. Isn't that right, Trouble?" Lydia asked as the unicorn came right up to her and nudged her with his head, snorting. "Who here would like Trouble to slobber all over them?"

Linn threw her hand up in the air without a moment's consideration. Lydia handed a small basket of wildflowers to Linn. Trouble gave Linn his full attention as he greedily took flowers from her hand. When the other unicorns noticed snacks were being handed out by the strangers in colorful dresses, they approached.

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