Chapter 18: An Unexpected Plan

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Chapter Eighteen: An Unexpected Plan


Izeal's hand hovered uncertainly, then dropped. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a golden cicada. He placed it on the table. The insect's gold-plated back was marked with the twelve symbols of the Wind Aria in purple enamel. They were arranged in a circle – one symbol for each of the Wind's Loci. At the circle's center was a cabochon of polished amethyst. It was a gorgeous piece of craftsmanship.

Izeal cleared his throat and enchanted,
"Aria of Wind, hear my voice and obey,
hold this room under my sway.
May our voices not travel from these confines,
as marked in twelve ancient signs.
Lead curious ears astray,
my verses shape the wind's mightiest designs."

"A Wind Curtain enchant?" Anne gasped, wide-eyed. "You prepared one just for this meeting?" The jewel-bright cicada clicked its wings.

Izeal snorted. "No, I've a whole drawer of these enchants prepared for when I need them. There are spies everywhere, and what we have to discuss is important enough to warrant the usage of a Wind Curtain."

"I've never seen one before," Anne said, leaning forward to stare at the flickering golden wings.

"That's not surprising, there's never been anything important for you to discuss," Izeal said. Anne pouted, sitting back into the couch cushions with a huff. Using a pair of silver tongs, Izeal added two more sugar cubes to his tea. "Now, tell me everything that happened since you left to perform the Spring Blessing."

As Anne told her tale, Izeal grew more and more thoughtful. He was truly listening to her and didn't interrupt once. He rubbed at his temples with his long fingers and sighed occasionally. At first, she'd thought he was annoyed at her, but he might actually have a headache. The grey circles beneath his eyes made him appear even more tired than her, if that was possible.

Once she'd covered all the important parts of the last three days, she poured herself another cup of tea. Izeal just sat there, staring off into the mid-distance. He was taking so long. Should she say something? Maybe she'd broken Izeal's mind with this news?

"Don't tell me you've told Brena about your intrepid plan," Izeal finally said.

"Ha? No! You may think me stupid, but I'm not that stupid."

"Good, because if Brena knew of this, he'd make it almost impossible to proceed. I'd always viewed his unwavering loyalty to you as a boon, but in this case, it may pose as more of a detriment. He will do everything in his power to keep you at his side."

Izeal grabbed a small sandwich from a tray, placing it on a decorative floral plate. "I have an important question for you." He leaned back and assessed her with sharp eyes, picking apart the sandwich with his spidery fingers but not eating it. "Before I continue. I need to know if you truly want to go through with this. Once I begin, it cannot be undone."

Anne's jaw slackened. "You can actually do it? You can make me a peace ambassador between Atrezino and Remeria?"

Izeal nodded slowly. "There's a slim possibility. But just because it's possible, does not mean I should. You're the last person I'd place this monumentous responsibility upon. Unfortunately, Fate has chosen you. Are you truly willing to sacrifice everything to see this through?"

"Someone has to do it, right? And I have the opportunity. Who knows when another chance like this might come along? I have a connection straight to the Azure and not just any Azure...a prince!"

"Who are you trying to convince? Me or yourself. If I wasn't convinced, I wouldn't still be sitting in the same room as you right now," Izeal said, tapping his spoon against the rim of his cup. "This will ruin you. You'll lose Aiden and sever the alliance we'd made with the entire Brena family. The Gardeia Hold will turn on us. And not only them, you'll make enemies of the traditional skylords and even the most open-minded ascendists. They will sabotage you at every turn."

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