Chapter Fifty-One: Theft of the Past

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Chapter Fifty-One: Theft of the Past


Prince Kiren and Calden had changed into similar cream-colored tunics and black trousers. Their hair was wet; Kiren's was carefully tied back out of his face, but Calden's looked like it had been messily pushed back with his fingers and nothing more. Water spots darkened the collar of Calden's tunic where his hair was still dripping wet.

Anne looked down at her simple dress and sighed in relief. Adele had joined them and was nearly as extravagant as Linn. Even the Duke was dressed fancily, wearing a maroon colored top; its dramatic pleated sleeves were embellished with tiny gold and jasper beads. She had almost run back to her room to change into a more formal dress.

Kiren and Calden stared at the Adderians, then shared a confused look. Calden shrugged his shoulders. "Good evening," Kiren said. "If you all are ready, let us be on our way."

Marl offered his arm to Anne.

"Thank you, Marl, but I believe Prince Calden offered to escort me earlier." She took a step closer to Calden. Marl crossed his arms with a huff and stomped off after the others.

"Well, Calden?" Anne said, and held out her arm gracefully, waiting for him to take it. "Shall we go?"

"Am I supposed to hold your hand?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Anne said, dropping her arm, "that was presumptuous of me."

"No, I just don't want to disappoint you by...escorting you incorrectly."

Anne smiled gently. "All you have to do is offer me your arm."

"Like this?" he asked and held his arm out to her.

She tentatively took his hand and flipped it over so his palm faced down. Her heart began thrumming louder – either in fear or nervousness, she wasn't entirely sure which –, as she lay her hand down atop his. Heat radiated from his hand, warming her cold palm. She hoped he didn't notice how her fingers shook atop his.

"And now, we walk."

Calden cleared his throat. "Right, I see."

As he escorted her, she had to walk quickly to keep up with his longer strides; she nearly stumbled a few times. It didn't take long for him to notice her struggle and he walked a tad slower. The two of them trailed behind Kiren and the others. Only Daniel stuck close.

"I was hoping we might speak tonight," Anne whispered.

Calden glanced down at her from the corner of his eye. "In regard to?"

"In regard to the matter we discussed yesterday," she said, trying to keep it vague – Daniel was within listening distance. Calden picked up her hint and nodded with a tired sigh. "As you wish, I will attempt to make an opportunity."

Anne thanked him just as they turned down another winding corridor. Paintings lined the walls, interspersed with sculptures. Large wooden pedestals presented intricate vases and carvings. Kiren slowed to give the ambassadors time to ogle the artwork as they passed.

At first, she thought they might be portraits of the previous kings. But some of the paintings didn't even feature people. She couldn't determine a theme, or common style. Landscapes and portraits. Some were realistic, while others were abstract sweeps of color.

"This is the Hall of the Stolen," Kiren orated, sweeping both his arm out dramatically.

Calden snorted sharply as he glared at his brother's back. "Sorry about this," Calden muttered, "but I got outvoted."

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