Chapter 66: The Test

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Chapter 66: The Test


As Calden snuck down the hallway to his quarters, his Night's Cloak broke. The darkness whipped away, falling apart like mist speared through by light. His body reappeared in a haze of solidifying color as he strode past his brothers' closed doors. The footfalls of his boots sounded unnaturally loud after being silenced by the Night's Hush for so long.

Five valuable preset Night Enchants, fully spent helping the enemy princessa speak with the Emperor of Atrezino? He had lost his mind. He chuckled under his breath, he was aiding the enemy and he was nothing more than a barbarian to her.

He should despise her for the cutting words which came naturally to her tongue. She had hidden her hatred behind her courteous decorum well. But she had been shaken tonight and her mask slipped, showing a sliver of the real Atrezin beneath. She was a true descendant of Pravius after all.

In his pocket, Calden rolled shattered pieces of obsidian between his fingers. The sharp fragments of the spent enchantment dug into his thumb. It wasn't his fault the princessa assumed he would trick her. When she'd turned around, he'd still been chanting. He could only watch as she had panicked and fled into the tunnels. He'd chased after her, calling her name, but she couldn't hear him – his Night's Hush had seen to that. For a pretty princessa in a poufy dress, she'd been surprisingly fast and light of foot, his only option had been to grab her.

Now, all he kept thinking about was how he'd scared her and made her cry. Her insults seemed so inconsequential beside that image of her, shaking, watery-eyed, and glowing. It repeated in his head unbidden. Like a cornered tinderhorse, she had bitten because she felt threatened.

He had made many mistakes of his own when fear reared its ugly head. How many times had his mask of bravado slipped, revealing the craven coward beneath? But that wasn't who he was. He was more than the darkest elements of himself and so was the princessa. He lifted his head. In a moment of weakness, she'd let her fears and doubts slip past her guard. How could he hate her for that when the shadow he cast was just as dark and long?

After he'd walked Cezanne back to her room, she'd put on a brave face and taken his unseen hands in hers, apologizing again and wishing him a goodnight. But Calden would not be having a good night, not while knowing those closest to her intended her harm. He gritted his teeth, it killed him to leave her there, all alone. 

He knew he hadn't liked Daniel or Marl, but he had never thought she was surrounded by such untrustworthy Atrezin bastards! They should be her staunchest protectors but they were the highest threat to her safety. Cezanne had hinted as much the first night they'd spoken. No wonder she'd immediately assumed he'd betrayed her tonight. If she expected betrayal from her allies, she'd expect no less from her enemies!

And she was right to doubt him, he really was a lying barbarian bastard! He had shot her with an arrow, nearly killing her, and he did not have the courage to tell her the truth. Now, it was too late. The point where he could have come clean had long passed. He'd have to take this secret to the grave. He needed to make this right; she would not suffer for his mistake. No matter how she truly felt about him, her safety was his responsibility.

By the Aria, Emperor Gaius even suggested the princes of an enemy nation would keep her safer than her own fate's cursed bodyguards! Just how twisted is Atrezino? Calden shook his head and clenched his fists. He'd attempted civility with Daniel and Marl, despite how much he enjoyed intimidating them, but now, his dislike was validated by the emperor himself. If they so much as sneezed in Cezanne's direction, he'd show them all just how barbaric a Remerian could be when provoked.

He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the door to his quarters. The temptation to march back to the North Hall, and confront all those the emperor named, blazed through him. He'd drag them into the hallway by their feet and beat them bloody till they confessed their ill intentions. But he knew that was stupid. Beyond stupid. He needed to clear his head. He couldn't afford to make another massive mistake tonight.

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