Chapter 67: A Mind's Midnight Wanderings

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Chapter 67: A Mind's Midnight Wanderings


Pulling on a nightgown, Anne sighed, then bent over and shoved her yellow dress into her trunk. Sitting on the edge of her bed, she pulled her hair out of a bun, de-tangling it with her fingers. The unkind words she had yelled into the darkness echoed in her ears. Her chest tightened like she was being crushed in Calden's arms again.

When he'd dropped her off at her room, he had still been invisible, so she wasn't able to read his face to tell how mad he was. She apologized again, but apologies wouldn't take back what she said. It never did.

Anne brushed her fingers along the bracelet, examining the round amber beads, blue crystal beads, and tiny little grey beads that shone with a faint myriad of rainbows. All the enchanted gemstones were strung between two cords of leather. She lifted it to her nose and sniffed. It even had that faint honey smell that lingered around Calden. It wasn't necessarily a sweet scent, but it was comforting in way.

She was surrounded by possible assassins – any one of her ambassadors could stick a knife in her back and most of the Remerians wouldn't hesitate to drive one in either. What was she even doing down here? Air clawed its way out of her throat in a pained shudder. Clasping her hand around the bracelet, she lifted it to her chest and held it over her heart as if its fading light could banish the darkness consuming her. Tears burned at the corners of her eyes.

She had lost her mind! She didn't belong down here. The only place she belonged was beside Aiden. Her only value lay in her womb and in the Gift of the Doe – it wasn't even her own ability, it was the Life Aria's, Gifted at random to women in the Atrez line. Her little sister, Clara, should have received the Gift of the Doe or her cousin, Deborah – they would have been far better and purer vessels for the Life Aria's greatest Gift!

She rubbed at the white scar above her breast, painful tingles shooting across her skin and down her arm, all the way to her fingertips. It still hurt. She ground her thumb into it as if the scar's pain could supersede the pain in her heart and in her head. Why was she even alive? That crimson-fletched arrow should have killed her. She should be dead right now, her ashes in the wind! But Calden had ensured she lived, a prince from the Dark Depths had cheated Death of his prize. Twice! Now, she'd dragged him into her madness and the entire world with them! It would have been better for everyone if she'd just died that night. Her father had been right to remove her from high society and keep her locked up in her quarters, there was clearly something wrong with her.

Peace? Was she so conceited to think she could succeed where thousands had failed? It wasn't fair. None of this was fair. A wrong for a wrong. Pain for pain. Suffering for suffering. With each blow they left each other more and more battered and more and more angry. There was no right answer, only a confluence of wrong answers. She sniffled, and here she was, a stupid princessa ignorantly demanding everyone sit down and get along on an arrogant whim. No wonder everyone wanted her dead. She'd order her own assassination if she thought it'd help. Her chest shuddered as she swallowed a sob.

A loud bang echoed in the hall. Startled from her sorrow, Anne stood carefully. Who would be awake at this hour? Pressing her ear against the door, she closed her eyes and listened. Soft footsteps. A hushed voice. A quiet conversation. She couldn't make out the words. It sounded like gibberish. A secret hallway meeting perhaps? She unlatched the door chain and snuffed the crystal lamp. Taking a steadying breath, she opened the door a crack.

The whispered words were louder, but they still didn't make any sense. She opened the door wider and stuck her head out, looking both ways. The hallway was dark, even the crystal lights that were usually on dimly were completely out. The darkness was total, she couldn't even see her own hand in front of her face. She stepped out further into the hall, thankful for the new protection enchants dangling from her wrist.

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