Chapter Fifty-Four: Behind the Tapestry

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Chapter Fifty-Four: Behind the Tapestry


The stone floor clacked under Anne's heels as Calden escorted her back to her rooms. Daniel and Marl stuck extremely close, treading on her shadow. They'd lost the tiny spark of hope that Calden might show her a modicum of respect.

The three Adderians trailed further behind. Princess Adele and the Duke walked close together, muttering quietly – most likely discussing the mysterious silvre bangles. Silvre was banned in most Atrezin Holds – there was a fear it may disrupt the flow of the Arias keeping them afloat. But such a fear was ridiculous, the amount of silvre it would require to knock a Hold out of the sky would be astronomical.

The Atrez family had a few scary silvre items in the Emperor's Trove: chains, manacles, large blades, coffins, boxes, powders – all were historically used to catch and imprison immortals. She'd rarely come in contact with the metal, but she'd heard it could be used to remove foul curses or unintended enchantments.

Calden yawned loudly and Marl jumped out of his skin beside her. His yawn morphed into a fangy smile. She thought she'd imagined it at first, but now, she was certain Calden found great enjoyment in making Marl and Daniel as uncomfortable as possible. She'd have to ask him to stop, because it was also making her uncomfortable. Although, asking him not to yawn was a bit childish, Marl and Daniel were the ones overreacting to Calden's every move. But Calden wasn't making things better by antagonizing them for it.

Calden still hadn't mentioned anything about letting her use the Echo. She stared up at him, trying to convey her question through a silent stare. He closed his tired eyes and sighed, then leaned in closer to her and whispered, "I know."

Daniel cleared his throat, warning Calden away from her, but Calden didn't back off. Instead, he winked at Daniel then leaned in closer, brushing a lock of her hair out of the way. His knuckles grazed her cheek. "Lose your shadows," he muttered against her ear so quietly she had difficulty making out his words. "You have half an hour. Wait till you hear a commotion outside the North Hall. Meet me in the Hall of the Stolen. Be quick. Don't get caught."

"Thanks," she mumbled.

He stood straight, then patted her hand, smiling broadly at Marl and Daniel as if daring them to do something. They were furious. If he kept pushing them, they'd explode.

Four Remerian guards stood outside the North Hall's double doors. Anne hadn't noticed them earlier. This must be why Calden told her to wait till she heard a commotion. These guards wouldn't let the enemy princessa wander around the Azure Castle like she owned the place. But surely, they'd allow Prince Calden to collect her? He was a Prince after all. Why would he need to distract his own guards?

"Goodnight, Cezanne," Calden said. Clasping her hand in his own, he lifted it to his lips before gently releasing her. Marl and Daniel both grunted as if they'd been struck by arrows and they were trying to be quiet about it.

He'd kissed her hand?

She stared down at the back of her hand as if it had become a foreign entity. Her hand...had been a Remerian?


"Keep your filthy mouth away from the princessa," Marl grumbled as if to himself.

"Goodnight to you as well," Calden said with a crooked grin as he brushed past them. Anne held her hand to her chest; it had been kissed before...many times. But this was the first time she'd ever been so caught by surprise. He had escorted her after all. She should have expected it. Why was she so shocked by it then?

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