Chapter 81: Evening the Odds

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Chapter 81: Evening the Odds


Calden kept a close eye on the panicked Overlanders. A few looked ready to bolt for the nearest exit and needed to be calmed. When he wasn't comforting the Overlanders, he prepared Anne for formally accepting the Challenge. Gale eventually took over because Calden couldn't remember all the words.

Anne was keeping it together better than he was. Strong and resilient, she held her head high. Unshakable. But occasionally, he'd catch her eyes glowing. A few wispy strands of her blonde hair floated about her head, as if on a phantom breeze of her own inner turbulence.

Unfortunately, all the Elders who signed were in attendance tonight. They came forward, one by one, and confirmed their signatures under the scrutinizing glare of King Abarin while receiving Kiren's less-than-subtle threats and admonishments. The sixteenth Elder was being sent off now with a hail of insults cast at his retreating back by Kiren.

They couldn't delay accepting the Challenge for much longer. It had taken half an hour to verify all sixteen signatures and Calden wasn't sure if Anne was ready for this, even he couldn't remember the formal wording and he was a Remerian prince. She'd only had a couple minutes to memorize it.

Anne's eyes flashed with a golden light as they captured a reflection of the crowd waiting for her to speak. "We can't give you any more time, I'm sorry," Calden said gently.

"Are you certain I should accept this Challenge," Anne asked, looking up at Gale as if trusting his judgement on Challenges more. Which was fair, Gale had participated in far more fights than Calden.

"Only if you'd rather surrender and die right now," Gale said. "Accepting the Challenge gives us a lot more time and more time is exactly what we need."

She nodded decisively and Calden tucked a wild strand of hair back behind her ear. "Don't worry about getting every word right, it's not an enchant," Calden said, repeating what his brothers often told him before he had to give a speech.

"Don't worry, I've got it memorized," she said confidently and tapped at the side of her head. Calden stared at her in shock as she mumbled, "They do not look happy out there."

"Good, that means we're winning at the moment," Calden said and placed his hand delicately on the small of her back, urging her forward. "We're right behind you, Anne. Don't worry. We've got a plan."

Or, at least, Calden hoped they did. Despite not being a strong supporter of the peace treaty, Kiren was resolute. To Kiren, this wasn't about protecting the Overlanders. It was about protecting the family. Larken had singled Kiren out as the one to defend the household while he was gone and Calden knew his brother wasn't about to let the Lenwar family crumble when he'd been given responsibility of it. In the few instances Kiren and Larken agreed on something, woe be it on any fool who got in their way.

Anne approached the dais steps, lifting her head proudly. He wished this was not how tonight had to go, but she had to do this. There was no other way forward but straight ahead, hopefully their momentum would carry them straight through the danger minimally unscathed. The crowd hushed.

"I, Princessa Cezanne Atrez of Atrezino, as the chosen representative of the Overland ambassadors, hereby acknowledge your right to Challenge us before Daunth in accordance with the Old Laws and we have chosen to fight. We did not come here as your enemies, but we will not yield our blood for the crimes we stand accused of. We recognize our right to Challenge your accusations and defend our honor. In the circle, the Arias will decide – the righteous shall live and the unjust shall die. We accept your Challenge."

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