Chapter Thirty-three: Inheritance of the Dawn Hold

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Chapter Thirty-three: Inheritance of the Dawn Hold

Anne (Six Years Ago)

Hopefully, Aiden hadn't been pecked apart by the petty Interior noblemen during her dance with Edmon. As she made her way toward Izeal's gathering, she noticed Aiden and Izeal were talking with each other. They weren't were pointing their fingers or yelling. Yet.

"Princessa Cezanne? May I have this dance?" a young boy asked. He was nearly a head shorter than her. His small hands were clenched at his sides. The enamel pin on his sash was so small she couldn't make out which Hold the boy was from.

"Of course," she said and curtsied. He quickly bowed, his curly brown hair flopping into his face. She stepped forward, their hands fumbling to grasp one another. His palms were so clammy; she fought the urge to pull her hands back. The poor boy was scared out of his wits; his father must have sent him over to dance with her.

"Don't worry," Anne whispered. "I'm a good dancer."

"Oh, me too," the boy said with a sharp nod. She tried not to laugh at the very serious expression he bore. The Song of the Listing Dove began to play – a notoriously hard song to dance to. How unfortunate.

But the boy was quick to lead her into the dance, making no missteps. He was able to support her properly every time she tilted in his arms and cast her skirts out. She got a better look at the gold and enamel pin on his chest in the process. It was an emerald green hawkmoth atop a white morning glory – the Dawn Hold. That must mean this boy is Saphir Auri.

Interesting, Skylord Lucian Auri had been absent today. He had sent two of his Hold's councilmen in his stead. She had not known his heir had come along with the councilmen.

"So..." Saphir said as the song slowed. "I..." he bit at his lip and then began again. "I've heard from my sister Aurora that you can get people married fast. You know all the laws and your matches are blessed by the Life Aria's own wisdom."

Anne giggled. My, truly? How the rumors have spread! Even children believe she's been blessed by the Aria of Life in the songs of love. "You heard right. Does Aurora Auri need a husband?" Had this boy gone out of his way to dance with her for his sister's sake? How adorable.

"Not quite," Saphir said, going paler. "She's already set to be married. I...I'm in need of a wife." His voice went so quiet she could barely hear him over the music. She stumbled, nearly tripping as Saphir spun her.

"How old are you?" she asked. They both flinched. She shouldn't have asked it like that.

"Ten," he muttered and she hummed softly in thought.

"There are many young ladies who would love to be betrothed to a young man such as yourself. Betrothal is nothing to fear for the heir of the Dawn Hold, there's no need to rush into anything. In fact, Aiden Brena and I have been betrothed for years and we've become dear friends. Is there anyone you have a particular interest in? Perhaps I could suggest a few names for you to bring back to your father for your future consideration?"

"No," he said, his lower lip pouting out. "I need someone I can marry now. This week. Please." His eyes watered and he sniffled. Unshed tears built up along his lower lashes, as he glanced over at the Dawn Hold's councilmen who were loitering around Izeal's group, as if waiting for an opportunity to speak with him privately. She nearly faltered.

Oh, by the Aria. Skylord Lucian Auri was either dead or close to it. This wasn't good. Not at all. This wasn't like marrying a wealthy widow to an Outery skylord or a skylord's third daughter to an adorably handsome councilman with a lisp. Her actions here could have serious political consequences. Her stomach flipped.

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