Chapter 21

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The space bridges exploded in the darkening sky

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The space bridges exploded in the darkening sky. 

The marvelous machine that took millennia to build from flawed Quintessons plans, shattered into fine particles, bright bursts of energy scattering to the stars. Ultra Magnus held Inferna, still quite young but old enough to understand the consequences, in his arms, making sure she didn't go near the rooftop ledge. 

She had inherited his weary optics and downturned mouth, making her seem many millennia older than she was. Barely started her life cycle, yet so disapproving of the world around her. His grip around her tightened. "It's alright," he said, word of comfort feeling strange in his mouth. "Sentinel Prime did this for a reason. Now that plague won't be able to get us."

Her servo reached heavenwards to the dissipating light as if trying to save it. In response, she solemnly nodded. 

"Do you think... do you think we'll be able to travel off Cybertron again?" She asked as the light faded completely, the reflection across her metal face gone. All that was left were twinkling stars like precious jewels. 

"I do not know, Inferna."

She frowned and stood, the city lights washing out her blue and red frame. "I hope so," Inferna said quietly. "I wanna see other planets- maybe even other lifeforms!"

He stiffened at the mention of other lifeforms. "Not all of them are as kind and civilized as us Cybertronians." 

"Oh please, not every species is like the Quintessons." She looked at him, her sullen face now glowing with child-like wonder. Wonder that Ultra Magnus knew would eventually disappear. "Can you think about it? New language, art, tech-"

"You are perfectly fine here on Cybertron, your home," he said flat and curt. "You have not seen many places upon this world."

"So? I can explore both." Inferna huffed before her lips turned upwards. "Can you imagine?"


Ultra Magnus walked behind her, blaster in one servo and the other steadying her. Crosshairs and Flamewars were whisked away to other parts of the massive fortress, preparing for the cons' arrival. Meanwhile, Inferna refused to be repaired until she visited the aerial defense systems on the upper levels.

"Now, we got an hour or two before the cons get here, and before it gets totally dark out there," she muttered, mostly to herself, intermittent with pained winces as she dragged herself up the steps. "I can see what I can do."

"You will not have enough time to check it all."

"It's fine, I'm sure a few will be enough." Ultra Magnus grabbed her arm and pulled her back as she stumbled forward. 

"Against Seekers? Hardly. Though they might prove effective against ground troops."

"Well, something is better than nothing." She said as they went up to the first cannon. "Do we have long-distance shooters or weaponry here, besides me and Moonracer?"

He nods. "Yes. The trained personnel are on top of this base, and the armory is stocked full of different weaponry. Although, many are down below on the ground." 

She pried off a panel and tossed it to the side as she stuck her helm inside. "You really should recall them. Seekers are tricky bastards- they'll swoop down and kill us in an instant."

"I have taken care of quite a few Seekers myself. Once a significant proportion of the infantry has been neutralized, they'll report back here." Ultra Magnus frowned at her. "And besides, you're not going anywhere except from here to the medbay."

Inferna stuck her helm back out and matched his frown. "Look, I'm fine. Survived just fine when I was rolling with the Wreckers by myself, haven't I? And besides, you'll kinda need all servos on deck for this."

"Your health and safety is my propriety." 

 "I promise to go to the medbay after the battle is over, but right now there's so much to do in so little time- I need to be up here." Inferna clasped her servos together and made her optics go wide, a trick she had pulled since she was a sparkling. Ultra Magnus rolled his optics. 

"That hasn't worked on me even when you were young. But very well. And I will make sure of that." He said. The Wrecker grinned, but this was, of course, short-lived. 

The base swayed as if there was a quake, and they stumbled. Inferna clutched onto her father for support. "What the frag was that!" She spit. 

"Heads up, Inferna!" Moonracers voice rang clear in her comlink. "The cons' are getting here ahead of schedule!"

She looked over at Ultra Magnus, who already had his blaster at the ready with a set expression. "I will cover you- prepare the other cannons!"

Inferna nodded and quickly slapped the panel back on, using the wall as support. The distant sounds of a jet engine and the commander's blaster fire filled her audio receptors with a sickening ambiance. 

She pressed her painted lips together as she continued to work, feeling all the gears in her abdomen area whirl together. 

Work, work, work. All I can do to make sure my family doesn't end up in a scrap heap. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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