Chapter 4

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When Inferna reached the coordinates, she found no one there

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When Inferna reached the coordinates, she found no one there.

It was a quiet, eerie place, with the remains of once strong, beautiful buildings.

Inferna looked around, taking the blaster off her back and gripping it firmly with her servos. 'Was this a trick or something?'

Suddenly, she heard a revving noise in the distance and whirled around, bringing her blaster up. 'Decepticons?!'

From the scope, she could see two alt-forms heading toward her: a bulky green one and a white, green, and red one. The emblem on them was a symbol that resembled the Autobot one, though modified a little.

When they got closer, they both transformed into their bi-pedal modes and approached Inferna.

She trained the blaster on the white, green, and red one. "Who are you?"

"Whoa kid, take it easy," the bot said, raising his servos slightly. He sounded calm, for a bot held a blaster point. "My name is Wheeljack. My friend here is Bulkhead. We're part of the Wreckers."

"Tempest said that you'd like to join," Bulkhead said, his blue optics trained on the blaster that was aimed at his friend.

Inferna lowered it. "Yes."

"Dangerous job kid. You could get killed on the first day on the job."

"First of all, my name isn't kid," Inferna said, glaring at Wheeljack. "It's Inferna. And I know the risks. I've heard of what the Wreckers do."

Wheeljack looked her over. "You're an engineer, right?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Do you know how to shoot a blaster?"

"I do."

Wheeljack grinned. "All I needed to know. You're in."

Inferna raised an optic ridge. "That was awfully quick."

"As I said, that was all I needed to know. Just try not to die."

She put her blaster back on her back. "Where is HQ?" Inferna asked.

"We don't have one. We just settle down somewhere out of sight intill we have to go on the next mission." Wheeljack replied. 

"Where are you guys right now then?"

Wheeljack pointed behind him. "A few kliks that way," he said and turned. "We should get going. This is Decepticon territory after all."

The trio assume their alt-forms and started to head towards the place where the rest of the Wreckers were. 

Inferna wondered what they were doing, back at the Elite Guard headquarters. Still building and repairing equipment needed for the war, that's for sure. 

She knew for a fact that Lunarquake was sending daily reports to Ultra Magnus about what she was doing and progress on certain projects. The commander would have the head engineers helm when he found out that he let Inferna join the Wreckers. 

But, he couldn't stop her now. He would just have to deal with it.

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