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Transformers Prime doesn't belong to me sadly, it belongs to Hasbro Studios. All rights belong to them. I only own my OC.

Units of time:

Cycle- 1 day

Klik- 1 minute

Nanoklik- 1 second

Stellar Cycle- 1 year 

[Transformer's Prime doesn't have official time measures, and these time measures vary between continuities. I just picked what seemed to reoccur often.]

"Inferna!" Ultra Magnus called out, walking into a huge hanger that held ships, where strangely only a few bots worked

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"Inferna!" Ultra Magnus called out, walking into a huge hanger that held ships, where strangely only a few bots worked. "Inferna!"

A blue and red femme slid out from under a ship, a mask and visor that were covered in grime concealed her face. She held a few tools in her servos, though she dropped them as she stood. The young Cybertronian was nearly as tall as him, the top of her helm reaching the lower half of his shoulders. 

"What do you want, commander?" Inferna asked, her visor and mask retracting, exposing her face. 

"I've been looking everywhere for you. They need you, in the armory."

Inferna sighed. "They could have just commed me. Why did you come down here?" 

The commander looked offended for a nanoklik. "I just wanted to see you. What's so wrong about that?"

"Nothing," Inferna said flatly as she gathered up her tools, her expression blank. "Weren't you and the rest of the Guard suppose to be at the High Council chambers today?"

"No. The next session starts in a few cycles." Ultra Magnus stepped aside, waiting for Inferna to finish gathering her tools. "You should hurry."

"Yes, commander," Inferna replied, walking past Ultra Magnus without sparing him a second look, the Elite Guard commander watching her go sadly. 

The translation of the Cybertronian text above is 'Commander'. What do you guys think so far? 

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