Chapter 1

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Inferna walked past the Elite Guard commander without sparing him a second look

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Inferna walked past the Elite Guard commander without sparing him a second look. She could feel him staring at her as she went to the armory.

Inferna didn't harbor any malice towards her father. From the way she acted around him, many would say that she hated him. But the opposite is true. 

He wasn't around often, still isn't, and Inferna understood why. He simply had more important matters to attend to. And besides, she was just fine on her own. 

She entered the armory, seeing a few other Elite Guard engineers hovering over their designated stations, working on an assortment of things. Blasters, parts for ships, shields, really anything the 36 members of the Guard needed. 

Inferna walked to her normal station, finding broken pieces of a large blaster strew about the table. She could normally assemble stuff like this with her optics closed, but this time there were a lot of small, individual pieces. 

"Lunarquake!" She called out, and a silver and green-colored bot turned. "What happened here?"

"Nothing," Lunarquake replied. "That blaster is new. Just hasn't been assembled at all yet."

Inferna muttered obscenities quietly. They had bots to build this, over in the south regions- cities like Kaon, Helex, and Tarn did it. She didn't understand why they wanted her to assemble it by hand. But she still had to do it, so Inferna started to pick up the pieces and put them together, working briskly but still making sure that she didn't accidentally mess up.

Inferna liked working with machines. They didn't talk- didn't ask questions, make snarky remarks, or talk her audio receptor off. They were simple, easy to understand and build. If she could, Inferna would shut herself in the large structure that was the Elite Guard headquarters for the rest of her eons-long life span. 

Inferna finished building the blaster within 30 kliks, pushing it into Lunarquake's servos. "Here. Anything else?"

At the shake of his helm, Inferna turned and exited the armory, heading back to the hanger. She still had not finished working on the ship she had been working on before her father told her to go up here. 


On the way back to the hanger, she passed Ultra Magnus, who stopped and looked over at her. "You're coming back from armory early."

"I just had to assemble a blaster, nothing major," Inferna flatly told him, turning slightly to face the commander.

His shiny blue and red armor was flawless, with only a few, tiny scratches but no dent or chips in the paint. With that, his rigid posture, and deep, imposing voice, he was practically created to be the commander of the Elite Guard.

Inferna's armor on the other hand was scratched, dented, and chipped, from a millennium of working as an engineer. She had a loose, more relaxed posture, and didn't bother speaking to anyone except Ultra Magnus and a few Elite Guard engineers. She couldn't even imagine what it was like being a commander.

Ultra Magnus nodded. "Well, you should get back to your work." He awkwardly patted her shoulder, before walking in the opposite direction. Inferna didn't watch him go, but instead briskly walked to the hanger. After all, she had work to be done.

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