Chapter 9

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"'Cons?" Was the first question out of her mouth as she stood, grabbing her blaster off of her back

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"'Cons?" Was the first question out of her mouth as she stood, grabbing her blaster off of her back. Wheeljack nodded. 

"Whole bunch of 'em."

Inferna cursed. "Is the Commander aware?"

"Of course," Wheeljack said. "So come on, we need to get moving."

She nodded, gripped her blaster tightly, running after the others. Inferna noticed Ultra Magnus discussing something with a few soldiers, and decided to split from the Wreckers to go to him. "Commander. Shouldn't you be out on the battlefield?"

The soldiers he was talking to rolled their optics in annoyance. "Inferna," he replied calmly. "Fighting is not my only duty. I must direct the troops to prevent Nova Cromun from being overtaken." He noticed the blaster she was holding in her servos and frowned, knowing that he couldn't stop her. "You'll be better of use up in the watch towers surrounding the border of the city. It's a high vantage point, perfect for that kind of weapon and you'll be far from harm."

Inferna nodded again and promptly left, transforming into her alt-form to get to one of the watch towers quicker. 


As she got closer and closer to the border, the sounds of battle filled her audio receptors, the screams of the wounded and dying filling the area, along with the battle cries and orders coming from captains. 

Inferna transformed back into her bipedal form, climbing up one of the towards, heading towards the platform. 

A small black-colored femme stood there, orange and yellow flames decoring her chassis and arms. She was looking through a pair of binoculars, surveying the battlefield.

The femme suddenly tensed and turned, seeing Inferna standing there. Her orange optics widen in fear and she reached for a bow that was slung across her back. "Relax, I'm on your side," Inferna said, pointing to her Autobot insignia. She walked over to the ledge, looking through the scope of her blaster. 

"W-who even are you? And what are you even doing up here?!" The femme asked. 

"Name's Inferna. Who are you?"

"I'm Flamewar," the femme said meekly. "I have to survey the battlefield to see what areas are getting overwhelmed with Decepticons."

"Well, Flamewar, I'm here to help with that. So tell me, what area needs the most help right now?"

Flamewar looked through her binoculars, before pointing to a section close by them. "I would say there."

Inferna turned her blaster over to where she pointed, seeing an extremely large Decepticon towering above the rest, swatting Autobots away like they were nothing. She could hear his psychotic laughter from where she was. "Who in the Pits of Kaon is that?!"

"A combiner," Flamewar said. "One of Shockwave's experiments. You don't want to know."

Inferna wrapped a digit around the trigger, aiming for the combiner's spark. She sent a silent prayer to Primus and the Prime's, before squeezing it, the blaster firing a shot. It hit just below his spark, the combiner roaring in pain. Blue liquid spilled down, hitting the ground below. 

Inferna fired, again and again, her face blank. Finally, the combiner fell, the Autobots on the ground finishing the job. 

She turned to Flamewar. "Where else?"


With Flamewar's help, she picked off the Decepticons in the areas that needed to most help. Aside from her comrade's voice, Inferna tuned everything else out, the sounds of battle, one loud and piercing now merely quiet dull background noise.

Inferna didn't see Ultra Magnus in the field below, which worried her. 'Did he get killed or something?'

She quickly pushed that thought out of her mind. 'No, he's probably fine. You have bigger things to worry about.'

"Um, Inferna..." Flamewar tapped her shoulder. 

"What is it?" She asked, looking over at her. Flmaewar pointed to the sky, Inferna looking up there as well. A few specks seemed to be getting closer and closer to them. 

It took Inferna a few kliks to recognize what it was- Seekers. "Frag!" She cursed, aiming her blaster up there. Flamewar pulled the bow off of her back and pulled back on the string, an arrow appearing. 

When they finally got closer, Inferna fired, attempting to hit them. They all managed to dodge with ease. 

Two split from the main group heading towards the watchtower. Inferna let out a colorful string of obscenities, trying to deactivate them before they got to them. Unfortunately, she failed. 

They before transformed, landing on the platform. Flamewar fired her arrow, it hitting the first seeker's shoulder. He grimaced, pulling it out. 

Seeker #2 turned to deal with Inferna, aiming the blaster that was mounted on his arm. Inferna did the same, squeezing the trigger as fast as she could, though nothing happened. Instead, black smoke wafered out.'Of all the times you could malfunction!'  

She threw the blast to the side, barely managing to invade Seeker #2's first shot. Inferna crouched down, remembering the fighting moves Ultra Magnus taught her, and lunged forward, trying to take out his legs. 

He moved back, kicking her abdomen. Inferna's optics widen in pain, and she coughed up a little Energon. Seeker #2 grabbed her throat, gripping tighter and tighter to the point where Inferna could feel her voice box slowly getting crushed. "Join your comrades, Autobot," he said, drawing back his servo, and positioning it over her spark. 


Suddenly, a red arrow sprouted in the middle of his chassis, Seeker #2 letting out a small gasp of surprise, before falling over, his lifeless husk hitting the ground with a thud. Flamewar stood there, bow in hand, quivering slightly. In the commotion, Inferna didn't realize the other femme had killed Seeker #1, her arrows embedded all over him. 

Inferna rubbed her throat. "Thank you," she said, her voice coming out hoarse and glitched. 

She nodded. "Anytime. Let's get you to a medic."

Flamewar went over to her, trying to help her up, though Inferna pushed her away. "I'm fine. I just need to repair my blaster."

"But you're injured!"

"I don't give a frag!" Inferna yelled, regretting it instantly. "We need to help, ok? There are a lot of Autobots that are going to die if we don't."

Flamewar reluctantly nodded, backing away. Inferna grabbed her blaster, starting to repair it. 

'Primus help us.'


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