Chapter 18

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[Crystal City]

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[Crystal City]

Inferna paced on a rooftop, trying not to look down at her peds. The rooftop was glass, showing everything in the building down below.

Typically, she wasn't afraid of heights, but during a war, when an explosion could easily shatter the whole building, Inferna was terrified.

A yelp of surprise echoed from down below, and Inferna looked over the side, seeing a bot with a Decepticon emblem lying down on the ground, not moving.

"Stop slacking, Inferna." Moonracer's stern voice came over the comms. Inferna scowled.

"Sorry," she whispered, placing her blaster on the edge and looking through the scope. No signs of her comrades in the area- they were probably on the border, fighting the incoming Decepticons. Her job was to watch the ground below for any strays and the air above- in case the Seekers decided to make an appearance.

Inferna sighed, her helm resting on the edge of the roof. Usually, she would be alert, actually doing her job properly, but now she simply wasn't in the game anymore. After the whole experience with Dynama, she stopped fighting as hard as she once did.

Ultra Magnus still wouldn't tell her what happened to her 'mother'. Inferna assumed that she was probably killed, let go in some wasteland, or sent back to an Autobot city and locked up. Either way, she really didn't care. Dynama deserved it.

Another surprised yelp from down below and Inferna jumped, seeing yet another Decepticon at the edge of the building, dead. "Inferna!" Moonracer snapped.

"Alright, alright," she muttered, regaining her posture and looking through the scope of her blaster again, picking off a few strays that managed to slip past the Autobots up front and into the cities.

After joors and joors (hours and hours) of this, the blaster fire and the screaming in the distance finally quieted down. Inferna yawned and climbed down from the building, landing on the ground with a thump.

Moonracer raced over to her and transformed back into her bi-pedal mode.

"The commander," were the first words out of Inferna's mouth. "We need to go and see if the commander is alright."

Moonracer arched an eyebrow ridge. "'Ferna I'm sure he's fine. Ultra Magnus is basically a programmed war machine."

But she didn't listen, transforming into her alt mode and driving towards the border of the city, careful to avoid the corpses of the fallen lying on the ground.

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