Chapter 19

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Ultra Magnus leaned against a wall of debris, the sound of blast fire and screams echoing

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Ultra Magnus leaned against a wall of debris, the sound of blast fire and screams echoing. A sound he had become all too familiar with since his youth. He clutched his rifle; he had already gotten rid of most of the foot soldiers and some of the aerial forces in the area, now he just had to wait for the right--

He looked up suddenly, seeing Inferna walking towards him, joints creaking as if they were coated in thick rust. "Itscold," she muttered, her words slurring together. "Ithurts..."

Inferna collapsed, her helm hitting his chassis. Ultra Magnus loosened his grip on his blaster and wrapped his arms around his daughter for a few moments. "You're alright," he said. "It's going to be fine."

She made a strange gurgling sound, and he looked down at her with concern. "Inferna?"

With a horrid metallic 'clank', her helm hit the ground, her normally electric blue optics dark like a yawning abyss.

And for the first time in his entire life, Ultra Magnus screamed.


He awoke with a start, instinctively looking for Inferna. He found her sleeping peacefully, blaster tucked under her arm like a deadly stuffed animal.

Ultra Magnus cautiously went over to her, placing a servo on her warm metallic armor, shoulders sagging in relief. It was just a dream, thank Primus...

But deep in his spark, he couldn't shake the horrible feeling that one day, it might come true.

[Tagan Heights]

The dull chunk of land called 'Tagan Heights', despite its deceptive name, was absolutely flat; not a mountain, boulder, or even a small pile of rubble in sight.

Inferna tried to steel her nerves, but just couldn't; she knew that close-quarters combat was most likely going to result in her rejoining the Allspark. But years with the Wreckers had solidified her fighting abilities- or so she had hoped so. Inferna was silently praying to whoever was listening that they would come through.

Ultra Magnus, on the other servo, was expressionless, not showing any signs of fear or doubt. But his glowing optics flicked over to her once and a while. Crosshairs and Dai Atlas flanked her, weapons at the ready.

In the distance, a low rumbling sound echoed throughout, the silhouettes of the incoming Decepticons clear.

The blaster fire came immediately, one grazing the face of her face. Inferna winced, a small line of Energon trickling down. Nevertheless, she charged forward, clashing with the opposing army.

The first Decepticon she fought was a bulky, grey, and yellow Cybertronian with hungry orange optics. She quickly slung her blaster on her shoulder and grabbed her circular blades, throwing at the incoming Cybertronian.

The Decepticon howled, throwing his helm back. Inferna grabbed the handles again, pulling. The blades slid right out, splattering her with energon.

"I'll kill you, brat," the con hissed as he collapsed, a glowing blue river spilling out from his wounds. "Rip you apart till nothing left! I'll—"

Inferna brought her blades down a final time and the threats stopped.

She whipped around and plunged the blade straight into another's spark chamber, knocking them aside.

"Hold them off for a bit longer," Ultra Magnus said over the coms. "Once Defensor arrives, we can fall back."

Inferna frowned at her father. "Wreckers don't run."

"We have no other option, Inferna. We're outgunned as it is- the Combiner will finish them off for us."

"Whatever," she grunted,


In the Joor it took for the Autobot combiner to arrive, it felt as if a whole stellar cycle had passed.

Inferna stood there, dripping energon. Parts of her body she didn't realize she even had ached in exhaustion. "Took you long enough," she mumbled and put her weapon away, stepping over corpses to get to Ultra Magnus.

"Wreckers, fall back!" His booming voice carried straight across the field. The members of said group looked at him in absolute disdain.

"But-" Seaspray tried to say but was promptly cut off by the Commander.

"That's an order." The argument was futile. Everybody transformed and followed his lead- back to a large fortress, shielded by the rocky mountains surrounding it.

Fort Cymeria was once a stronghold for Elite Guard, filled to the brim with different weapons and Energon in case of a true emergency. Of course, before the war, there was no need for it. The Energon slowly dusted over, in the same amount of time as it took for the poorly-maintenance weapons to rust.

But now, the war hungrily devoured the resources- the weapons were quickly refurbished and the Energon was pushed out to the diminishing troops. Currently, it's a stronghold for all Autobots- including the slapped-together band of Cybertronians psychotic enough to plunge helm first in situations in which quite a few end up in Primus's warm embrace.

Lead to a separate, quiet room, a tub of cleaning solutions sat there for them. Inferna dipped a rag into it and scrubbed.


Soft music drifted down the hallway, and Inferna stopped. The cleaning solution dripped off of her in a rhymic pattern. "Something wrong?" Crosshairs asked from beside her.

"All good," she drawled from beside him, swiping the rag over her quickly before tossing it into the bucket. The fresh dents and paint chips were all too visible now.

Inferna crept outside the room, after making sure Ultra Magnus wasn't paying attention. She followed the haunting tune, all the way to the end of the hallway. It was empty- too empty for her liking. "Hello?" She called, opening the door.

A face, disguised behind a mask that she couldn't make out at first stooped to her level. Even though his mouth was covered, she could still tell he was smiling.



Guess who's back?

Currently more active on Tumblr, which is why I didn't update for a while. But I just want to make a few things clear (if I haven't before).

1. Yes, the Crosshairs in this story is based on AOE. The books don't state who was in the Elite Guard, or really what the Wreckers and them were really doing spare a few details. Which continuity are Dai Atlas and Flamewar based on? I'm going to be honest, no clue. Both their designs were sick so I used them. I didn't just want to keep making up OCs, as fun as it is.

2. As mentioned above, the books BARELY touched on the Wreckers/Guard save for a few details mentioned in said novels and TFP. I realize some battles may be out of place. Too late.

3. Editing in the future definitely. I think all writers look back at their past writing and cringe lol.

Thanks for reaching this point- I started writing this story well over a year ago, and is my 2nd most viewed story. Transformers has meant so much to me, it's not even describable.

Let's enjoy these weird space robots while we can. Love yall!


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