extra #7

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it's been over a year since our last adventure with the gang!!
with everything happening with wilbur and shelby, it was making me miss writing for you all, if you're still here.
i hope you can tell if my writing has improved - i sure hope it has, but forgive me if this seems clunky; i haven't written for this fandom in over a year.

a lot of my readers don't follow me, so i just wanted to say that despite everyone else that i've seen who've taken down their stories because of wilbur, i will be leaving all of mine alone because i think of the versions of the streamers in my stories as characters rather than the real thing, so i guess in the universes i've created, wilbur isn't an abuser ? i dont know -- i know there will be some people upset if i take them down, including myself, because i put years into them, especially this one, and even if i hate the plot holes and inconsistencies and poor writing, this story still has all my love, and i hope it still has yours.

thank you all xx


It wasn't often that June got to see Clay.

It certainly was even less often that it was while Clay was in Brighton.

June could jump for joy; in fact, he nearly was. He rocked back and forth on his feet, watching by the window, waiting to see the car that Clay had bought a few years back to pull into the driveway of their little abode.

Tubbo was making some frankly concerning noises in the kitchen - June vaguely recalled him announcing something about cookies, but he could not care any less right now.

Tommy and Malcom were on an unfortunately timed store run, because they were out of pretty much everything in their kitchen, and June had sent them off by themselves and a detailed list of the usual things they bought because he was anxious, and his partners had a tendency to try to settle him down. June's anxiety loved to worm its' way into both Tommy and Malcom, so they did their best to keep June calm for the sake of everyone.

He knew most of his "anxiety" was excitement, but he was also genuinely worried, too. What if Clay had changed enough while they were apart that they didn't click they way they used to? What if he secretly hated their home? What if they all somehow forgot a major allergy that Clay had (he doesn't have any), and he dies from anaphylaxis because the closest hospital is too far away?

June tried to shove the thoughts away, because he knew it wasn't doing anything productive, but it was hard. The only thing that stopped them was getting to run down the driveway to throw himself into his big brother's hug.

Neither George nor Sapnap had come with him, because they had prior engagements - whatever that meant. They promised to make their own trip without Clay at some point.

June couldn't stop himself from squealing - despite the way his testosterone make his voice crack. "I'm so glad you're hereeee!"

Clay grinned right back at him, and they lugged his luggage into the house. He had a suitcase and a duffel bag - June would bet £20 that the suitcase had his gaming laptop and a headset and mic in it, all in thick bubblewrap, and thats why he needed both.

"Dream!" Tubbo exclaimed, then a metallic crash sounded. "Oops. It's fine!"

June shook his head, laughing a little. "I think he needs help. You're staying in my room. I tend to sleep with any of the others, so it'll be all yours whike you're here, aside from my computer, if we play anything."

"Cool," Clay replied. He followed his brother in, smiling at the decorations. It had changed since his room in their parents' house - it was painted a dark shade of blue, with constellations and other stars drawn all over the ceiling and the very tops of the walls. There was photos in frames littered on the desk and the bookshelf that was overfloeing with books and knick-knacks alike, and even on the nightstand that was beside a queen-sized bed. Clay was sure all of them had large beds, if they had sleepovers in each others' rooms often. The computer setup on the desk was a simple black computer tower and two monitors, but the keyboard was also a pretty dark blue, and the desk was a contrasting pale shade of blue. "It's so cool!"

June smiled. "Thanks. I actually painted it myself. It was a kind of spur-of-the-moment thing, but I was hyperfixated on the constellations at the time, and so yeah.. I really like it."

He and Clay returned to the living room after Clay put his luggage down, and they ventured to check on Tubbo.

"Ta-daaa," Tubbo declared, offering up a cookie to each of them. The siblings exchanged a glance, and took hesitant bites.

"Mmm," June hummed. "These are great, Tubbo."

Tubbo beamed. "I have been practicing that one, with Artemis."

"Yeah? How's she been?" Clay asked. He didn't talk to her hardly ever, but he heard that they'd broken up recently because they both realized they were gay in the wrong directions to be compatible.

"She's good," Tubbo replied. "She did not appreciate the first batch of these we made. I got the amounts all mixed up. I mostly have it memorized now, though, so it's easier. Don't have to read as much."

June nodded along. "Yeah, she let me try one of those. I didn't realize what had happened to them, however."

Tommy and Malcom got back a few minutes after then, hauling in the groceries. They were gone longer than they really should have been, and they admitted to have gotten lost in the store.

They both welcomed Clay with a hug - he was very happy to oblige. June helped put the groceries away as they started making conversation, and he pitched in every now and then when he could. It was a lovely evening, and Malcom and June worked together to cook dinner that night.


June had fun the next morning, waking up before everyone and making pancakes. He made them all sort of shapes as Clay and Tubbo and his partners slowly emerged from their bedrooms.

After breakfast, they went around town to show Clay their favorite spots. They ran into a couple fans, but that was typical; sometimes they even run into ones they've met before.

Phil and Kristin were going to stop by for a couple days, though because of a friend thing Kristin had, it wouldn't be until the end of the couple of weeks that Clay was staying.

They spent most of their time out doing things during the days - aquariums, thrift stores, gas stations for snacks, etc. - and in the evenings after dinner, they'd play games together; both of the computer and table-top kind.

They often came back to games UNO or Phase Ten, because June insisted - mostly because he was bad at most everything else they played. Loving to indulge him, neither Tommy nor Malcom objected to this.

Clay and June sometimes broke away from the other three to do things by themselves - brother bonding time, they'd say. This time usually included finding an empty place, like under a footbridge or something to hang out at and just talk.

Phil and Kristin coming was fun, too - they played group games, like Gartic Phone, and Cards Against Humanity. June already knew how much fun it was to hang out with Kristin, but he had been ecstatic the entire past couple weeks because Clay was there. He dreaded the thought of him leaving, but at the same time, he was happy to have more alone time with his partners. Seeing him off was hard, and a bit teary, but June felt better when he got back home to his partners, and joined them on the couch to cuddle.

Tommy and Malcom were not dating each other - not in the way they were dating June, at least. June adored getting to see them get more comfortable with each other, even sharing the bed by themselves the way they did with June- though there was less cuddling between that pair.

June had always secretly worried that his asexuality would become an issue for them, but so far, it truly hadn't been. He had no interest in that side of a relstionship, and both Tommy and Malcom respected and supported that.

June did his best to keep the relationships even, but sometimes he just had a Tommy day, or he had a Malcom night, where he maybe had a little bit of favoritism in that time frame. He felt guilty if it ever felt like he did have a favorite between them, but he knew that both of them were more secure now in where they all stood.

The four of them often had movie nights, but Tubbo had gone to bed early, so it left the trio alone. They retired to Tommy's room for the night instead of the couch, and they decided to just talk instead of watching a movie.

June loved nights like these, where he was sandwiched between his partners, and they were all warm and cozy. Malcom liked to run his fingers through June's hair, and June liked to hold both their hands.

It was a fuzzy feeling to get to fall asleep that way. He cherished every single moment of it.

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