thirty-nine! (and Christmas Special :D)

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so instead of having it be seperate like the halloween one, i put the christmas special in a normal chapter, so here <3

merry christmas to those who celebrate it :)
i wish i knew more about the other holidays this time of year but i was raised mormon so i havent had a chance to experience anything else
i've been wanting to do some research so i'll probably do that soon

i'll ~probably~ have a new years chapter in time for new years next but we'll see

also i am very well aware that that cat later on is not patches

huge thank you to LokiJynx for editing <3


June, in a moment of genius, had gotten Nedia's phone number from Malcom and asked her if she wanted to come to the barbeque before his mom took his phone.

She had accepted, so June had a friend for the barbeque.

Which, unfortunately, was where June was right now. Good thing that Nedia had shown up on time, because June had no one else to talk to other than Clay and Sapnap, but they were hanging out with the adults.

Logan was clearly avoiding the two of them, probably not wanting to have to address the fact that he'd yelled slurs at Nedia whenever she passed him in the halls.

"Soo, when does this end?" Nedia asked June quietly.

"No idea," June replied. "Probably after everyone's done eating."

Nedia groaned, getting a few looks. June grinned to himself, biting his lip in a bad attempt to hide it. He wondered if since it was a Friday that Nedia could stay the night - she'd been rambling about needing something to do to get her out of the house and away from her dad.

"Nedia, do you wanna see if you can stay the night?" June asked nervously. He'd never really hosted a sleepover before; he'd only been to ones because of Hannah and Zoey, who dragged him along to every party or whatever they went to.

"Oh my god, yes," Nedia accepted. "If I can, I just need to make sure my brother goes off to a friend's house or something as well. I can't leave him alone."

June nodded, and scanned around for Sarah. He spotted her with Holly and some other woman June didn't know. Logan was hanging out with his dumbass friends by the grill, where the dads were having a calm conversation about different grilling strategies.

June went up to his to ask, and Nedia followed behind him.

"Hey, mom, would it be alright if Nedia stayed the night tonight, since it's the weekend?" June asked, internally praying that Sarah didn't decline because he was grounded.

"Sure, whatever," Sarah answered.

June and Nedia fist bumped, and went back to their seats. A wolf whistle sounded out from where Logan and his gaggle of idiots were sitting, making Nedia and June look over.

One of the boys June recognized as a guy named Steven was looking at the two of them with a taunting smirk. The other three were laughing, as if it were a funny joke.

Nedia scoffed, and flipped them off. June pushed her hand down before his mom saw.

The two queers kept getting harrassed by Logan and his friends, until Nedia got fed up and threw her fork at one of them. It hit him in the face, and they stopped laughing, surprised that she retaliated.

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