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the playlist i mention later ^^
this one's for you, cott0nbaII 😈

June sat down beside Ranboo, staring up at the stars with him. He could point out a few constellations he forgot the names of, but he didn't say anything.

He didn't know how to tell him.

Of course he didn't. And he felt awful for it.

So, he just ran his fingers through Ranboo's hair, and kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to fuck anything up between them more than he probably already had.


June woke up outside, clothes damp.

He was cuddled into Ranboo's side, but he'd woken up first this time. He almost never woke up first.

He sat up from where he was, the dew that had settled on his skin making the light breeze feel so much colder. He shivered a little, and reached over to lightly shake Ranboo awake.

Ranboo curled into himself, still asleep.

"Ranboo," June said, shaking him again. "We need to go inside. We're wet now."

Ranboo mumbled something, not opening his eyes.

"C'mon, Ranboo. As pretty as you are laying in the grass, it's freezing out here," June brushed Ranboo's hair from his face. Ranboo felt warm at the compliment and soft touch, but the feeling soured as June kept speaking. "Tommy and Tubbo might be worried."

Ranboo exhaled heavily, and slowly got up with June, pulling his shirt back into place from where it'd slipped off his shoulder a bit while he slept.

Tommy looked up from where he was scrolling through Twitter on his phone on the couch, and took note of their damp clothes and hair. "Did it rain last night?"

Ranboo and June both shrugged.

June stretched his arms over his head, arching his back. "I'm gonna go shower."

Ranboo and Tommy watched him leave down the hall, and Ranboo idly stood by the couch, not wanting to sit down and get the furniture wet.

Once they could hear the shower was on and June's muffled music, Tommy turned to Ranboo. He didn't want to admit how smug and relieved he felt.

"Is there anything going on between you and June?" Tommy asked, tone sounding innocent, but Ranboo looked him dead in the eyes and knew he was taunting him.

"No," Ranboo replied monotonously. "What evidence could ever possibly lead to that conclusion?"

Tommy narrowed his eyes, not expecting the sarcasm. "No need to be hostile, Ranboo."

"Listen to your own advice," Ranboo retorted, walking back to his and Tubbo's room. He figured that he should shower when June got out as well, but he didn't have the energy for it after the conversation with Tommy anymore. Tubbo was, surprise suprise, still asleep, So Ranboo kept as quiet as he could.

He responded to some messages he'd missed on Discord, and went to YouTube to pass the time.


Tubbo was genuinely happy for his friends- of course he was- but he knew how bad it was affecting Ranboo, and it made Tommy and June's relationship feel bittersweet for him.

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