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i don't know how soon but i think it'd be funny if i ended it on chapter 69


June and Malcom had agreed to just go to the other coast, near Hudson, and spend the afternoon there. June was sitting in a patch of grass as Malcom was getting out the sandwiches that they'd made that morning to bring. 

The sun felt good on June's arms, legs, and face, and he looked up at Malcom as he sat down beside him.

They made light conversation while eating, watching people walk around. 

"We're graduating in less than two months," Malcom said. 

"Yeah." June stared at the ground. "Ew. I can't believe we're graduating. That's so weird."

"Are you gonna go to college?" Malcom asked.

June shrugged. "I don't know. I know mom wants me to, but I don't know what I want to do. I mean, obviously, I want to go back to England with you, but work-wise or school-wise, I have no idea anymore."

"If I went to college, I think I'd major in videography or something," Malcom mused. "But if we're going to England after we finish high school, we need to get visas, so we can stay."

June hummed. "We can figure it out. We should probably talk to Tommy and Tubbo about it."

"Yeah. Probably Clay and Sapnap, too. They'll probably wanna know beforehand, if we end up actually moving to England."

June nodded. "How do you think Nedia would react?" He frowned. "Or Quinn?"

"I'm sure they'll both miss us, but I doubt they'd try to stop us or anything."

June laid his head on Malcom's shoulder. "I'm scared of growing up. Like, I know it might sound ridiculous, but I'm scared of genuinely being an adult and having to run my own life myself. My mom always did shit for me, what if I somehow manage to fuck it all up?"

"It's not like you're gonna be alone," Malcom reminded him. "I'll be there, and so will Tommy and Tubbo, and Wilbur, George, and Phil, and that's just our British friends. I'm sure between the... seven of us, it'll be alright."

June didn't reply, only sighing quietly. "We have an essay in history coming up soon."

"Yeah? What's it on?"

"One of the presidents. We're supposed to pick one."

"What kind of essay is it supposed to be?"

"No idea, but I'm gonna write fanfiction of George Washington and Alexander Hamilton."

"Please let me read it when you're done, oh my god," Malcom said, laughing.

June laughed with him. "I will, I will. If I get an F because I wrote gay fanfiction, I'll never hear the end of it. My teacher's gay though, so I think it'll be okay."

"Wait, your history teacher's gay?"

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure he's married, too."

"I had no idea."

"Understandable, your gaydar probably isn't as good as mine."

"What's a gaydar?" Malcom asked, smiling.

"Like a raydar for gays, duh," June replied playfully. "Anyways. Hopefully the fanfiction fits within the requirements. It will probably not be historically accurate at all."

"All the best fanfictions stray from canon," Malcom said vaguely as if it really meant anything.


"Hey mom, uh, do you know how visas work?" June asked as he was putting away clean dishes. Sarah was cooking dinner while June was finishing his usual chores, and he figured he'd have better luck understanding it if his mom could explain.

"Why are you curious about visas?" Sarah asked, glancing over her shoulder at him for a moment.

June shrugged. "Malcom and I wanna go back to England for a while when we graduate."

Sarah made a face. "Why would you want to go back to England? You could go to college, get a real job. You've already applied to so many, and got accepted."

"We want to see Tommy and Tubbo, and our other friends. Maybe get a house, I don't know exactly yet."

"You're wanting to move to England?" Sarah stopped what she was doing to look at June. "Do you know how far away that is? What if something happens to one of us while you're there? You'll be across an ocean, instead of here where we need you. Or what if something doesn't work out and you get dumped? Sweetie, I just don't think it's a good idea."

"I- Believe me, I've already overthought everything. It probably won't be permanent, but if it gets to that point, hopefully, nothing will be going wrong on my side." 

"What if I need something?"

"Clay's still gonna be here, as far as I know. And so will Hazel. And Dad. Is- is the only reason you're against me going to England is that you're worried about yourself?"

"No, of course not. I don't want you stuck there with three boys."

"It won't just be them, Wilbur, Phil, and George are all over there. Depending on where we go, we could be close to one of them as well. Brighton sounds lovely, and one of our other friends, Artemis, lives there as well."

"That's one girl and.. six guys. That's not a good ratio. Two to six is not a ratio you want."

June crossed his arms over his chest self-consciously. "They're my friends."

"All the more reason to be careful."

June sighed quietly and went back up to his room.

He had been thinking a lot since they started planning. It would be a terrifying change, and it really did mean leaving behind the friends he had made, including his brother and Sapnap. Graduating meant he'd be a legal adult, and that scared him.

Having to be responsible for his actions? Allowed to be put into real prison?

Absolutely horrifying.

As a kid, June had always fantasized about growing up. Not that that had changed once he met Tommy and Malcom, but now it was setting in that shit, he's fucking growing up.

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