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June and Malcom saw Tommy immediately, the blonde facing away from them on his phone.

Malcom tapped June's hand that gripped his suitcase until he looked up.

"What?" June asked.

Malcom pushed June's hand off his suitcase and took it from him. "I'll bring it. We both know you're dying walking at this pace."

June smiled sheepishly, and Malcom bent down a bit to meet him in a quick kiss before he ran off across the room.

Tommy turned around finally, and June grinned as they locked eyes. He was glad that the airport was kind of empty - it was 3 in the morning, after all - because he didn't want anyone slowing him down as he jumped into Tommy's arms, almost knocking them both to the ground.

Malcom came jogging over, and fist-bumped Tommy in greeting before the Brit put the arm back around June, holding him tight to his chest.

June felt like crying - in a good way - but he didn't let himself. He pulled out of the hug.

"Shall we go home?" Tommy asked them. "Tubbo's waiting for us. He's excited to show you guys the painting he got commissioned for the livingroom."

June smiled. "He's been talking about it for forever, I'm excited to see it."

They got on a bus and found a spot with three seats in a row. June sat between his boys, avoiding eye contact with the guy across from him as he looked out the window.

June was practically buzzing in his seat, tapping his leg excitedly. Brighton looked gorgeous even when it was dark out. One one hand, his fingers rubbed against his palm and thumb to try to hide his hyperactivity a little better, holding one of Tommy's in the other.

Malcom took a nice photo out the bus window, then one of the three of them.

Tommy laid his head on top of June's, and Malcom snapped another of them when they weren't looking.

Malcom liked to watch people. By that, he completely means that he liked to stare at June.

Malcom thought June was just so pretty. All the time. Literally zero bad angles. June would, obviously, disagree with him, but Malcom's metaphorical rose-tinted glasses were glued to his face, and they weren't coming off any time soon.

June nearly fell asleep on the bus ride, but after getting off with Tommy and Malcom, his excitement started ramping up again.

"I missed Tubbo so much," June sighed, grinning when Tommy elbowed him lightly.

"This is slander."

"It is not!" June laughed. "I missed you too, dumbass. I just, also missed Tubbo." He gasped. "Wait, oh my god, Artemis lives in Brighton, too, right? Oh my god, and Wil, too! I'm gonna die of happy."

Tommy and Malcom chuckled at his excitement, although they were both just as hyped to see their friends all the time.

June was tempted to tackle Tubbo, but he knew that the action would not be appreciated by either party. His steps were basically bounces at this point, the excitement almost too much to handle. He'd only seen kind of blurry photos of the house that he'd seen on Google Maps, since neither Tommy or Tubbo could really be bothered to take a proper picture of it for him.

He was holding one of Tommy's hands and one of Malcom's hands, swinging both arms. There was a surprising lack of people around this neighborhood, which June was ever grateful for.

June couldn't wipe the smile off his face as Tommy started heading down the driveway of the house, pulling along the other two. It was dark, and the lights were off inside.

Tubbo opened the door before Tommy even thought about reaching for the handle, and June dropped both hands to hug him. Nothing personal, just that he missed his normal-size, not-giant friend.

June let out a small laugh as Tubbo pushed him away lightly, clearly done with the physical touch for now.

"I'm gonna have to get used to this, aren't I?" Tubbo asked, referring to the hug.

Malcom and June both replied affirmatively, making Tubbo jokingly sigh.

Tubbo and Tommy excitedly - moreso the latter, due to Tubbo's tiredness from it being nearly four in the morning - gave Malcom and June a proper house tour, Tubbo making them wait to see the living room for last, even though it was just to the left of the door.

Tubbo made them close their eyes for suspense, then told them to open them when they were standing in front of the painting.

June stared up to a beautiful mural of a beach, one that looked suspiciously like the one that he and Malcom grew up next to.

Tubbo confirmed it when he said, "I knew you guys would probably miss Florida, so I found one of your pictures of it you had sent, and I got someone to paint it." He glanced between the smiles on his American friends' faces and the painting.

June hugged Tubbo again, trying not to cry. The sentiment, plus the sadness from leaving his childhood home, was making him emotional.

Tubbo sighed, but didn't protest the hug. "Can I go back to bed now?"

June giggled. "Yes, sorry." He let him go, stepping back to let him pass.

They all four had their own seperate rooms, but all three of them had a sudden realization that June didn't  sleep well by himself.

June pursed his lips, thinking of his four options. 1, he sleeps with Tommy, without Malcom because he missed him. 2, he sleeps with Malcom, without Tommy because he was used to it. 3, all three of them share a bed, which neither of his partners seemed against but at the same time not excited about. 4, he sleeps alone. Being exhausted, he refused to give himself the option of not sleeping, because that was dumb.

Tommy and Malcom shared a glance between themselves and June, before both shrugging.

"Bedtime," Malcom said, dragging June along as he followed behind Tommy.

June snorted, although he was releived that the decision was made more him. He wasn't even sure who's room they'd gone in, but curling up between his favorite people made him feel warm inside.

He was home.

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