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halfway thru writing, i got tired of writing "june's mom" so she's gonna be called sarah from now on -_-
also, there's not a set time for this, even though sapnap & dream live together, so idc if things dont line up with how things go irl, just thought i should say that since i hadnt in the beginning

June awoke in his bed, with no recollection of getting there.

He fell asleep... in Clay's car. So he must've been carried in.

The thought brought a soft smile to June's smile. It was a huge relief that Clay knew now. Knew his gender, knew his pronouns.

June was feeling better than he had in a while, honestly. And, yeah, he could get out of bed today, but that would mean he'd have to face his parents and siblings, and he wasn't sure if he could handle that right now.

He felt like there was something he was forgetting about.

His eyes widened. How could he have forgotten about Tommy?

June reached to his nightstand blindly, grasping his phone after only a pat or two. He pulled it to his face so he could see it, and unlocked the device quickly. He opened his messages with Tommy, and there were a lot.

unsaved number



june are you alright?

please dont hang up crying and then not answer

i know youre with dream but youre worrying me

he's not answering his phone either

you know you can tell me what wrong

im not gonna judge you or anything

june please

alright um dream picked up my call, so i guess i'll talk to you when you wake up

sleep well


June let a groan rumble it's way out of his throat. Jesus Christ, how was he supposed to explain that to him? He.. didn't even remember part of last night. His memory was really hazy for some reason.

So, instead of just texting him back like a normal person, June called him.

Except, y'know, he missed the voice call button and hit the FaceTime one on accident.

Before June could hang up and correct his mistake, Tommy picked up. Looking confused as hell and amazing as ever.

"I- I'm going to assume you didn't mean to FaceTime me," Tommy said as June hurriedly switched his camera off.

"I only meant to call you, sorry." June hesitated. "Oh, God, you didn't see my face, did you?"

Tommy glanced away. "I did. Only for a second, though."

June sighed through his nose. "Oh."

"You're really pretty," Tommy said hesitantly.

"Thanks," June breathed, feeling tired again. He'd gotten more than enough sleep; he was just.. so, so, tired because of all the secret keeping he had to do. A dull ache settled in his chest at the compliment.

Sure, he could just tell everyone.. but that would be hard for him to do.

"Can you tell me what happened last night?" Tommy asked softly. "Please?"

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