extra #2

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It was a typical rainy day, with big water droplets falling from the clouds, as they do.

June was having what he liked to call a rain moment. Just a little moment where he sat in the rain by himself, to escape the pressure he subconsciously pushed on himself when around literally any other person.

Today, he went so far as to lay down in the grass. He was just in a t-shirt and leggings; it was what he'd worn to bed last night.

The pitter-patter of the rain falling on the concrete of the driveway and street soothed him deeply as his clothes, hair, and body got soaked.

He didn't mind the cold. He did, however, mind how the t-shirt was sticking to his skin.

He ignored it for a while, letting himself enjoy the moment. He knew someone would come to get him when he was eventually out for too long. He'd never gotten sick from this sort of activity, but they were always worried for him.

He genuinely didn't know how much time passed until he heard the front door open and light footsteps head down from the porch. June guessed it was Tubbo, and when he opened his eyes, he was proven correct.

Tubbo stared down at him on the ground, and June could see he'd stolen one of Malcom's hoodies to put under his normal coat.

June got up reluctantly, running his fingers through his hair.

"I was wondering why you do this sometimes," Tubbo said. "Like, not in a bad way, I'm just curious as to know how getting wet and cold to think is better than thinking with a blanket."

June shrugged. "If I'm out here, I'm less likely to be approached until someone wants to come outside."

Tubbo nodded. "Ranboo's making dinner, by the way."

June followed him inside, and Tommy threw a towel at him as he came towards the pair. Tubbo went to go antagonize Malcom in the kitchen.

June ruffled his hair with the towel and ran it down his arms and clothes, trying to soak up enough if the water so he didn't get the floor all wet.

Tommy smoothed down part of where June's hair was sticking up, earning a light head bonk on his palm. June put the towel around his shoulders, the cold clothes making him cold now that he was in a warm environment again.

He went off to change, stealing one of Tommy's hoodies and a pair of Malcom's sweatpants, grabbing one of his own shirts plus his binder. The pants hung a little low on his waist and were far too long from the size difference between them, but Tommy's hoodie covered the small gap between his shirt and the pants so he didn't mind it, aside from having to roll the bottoms so they didn't get under his feet.

June trudged out to the kitchen, dragging his feet a little. He hugged Tommy from behind, scaring him a little.

"Oh, hello," Tommy greeted. "How's the rain?"


"As expected, I hope."


"Hungry?" Malcom asked.

"Very," June replied. "Smells amazing."

"Let's hope it tastes that way," Malcom joked.

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