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sorry for the long wait, i had a bit of a hard time with motivation & i was also sick lul (not covid)

June sat anxiously beside Tommy as his parents sat on the other side of the table. It was the last day Tommy was gonna be here, and June figured that it was the best time. Sarah had been angry about June dyeing his hair, but didn't express it beyond a Look in front of Tommy. June knew as soon as he was gone, she wasn't gonna hold back from yelling.

Tommy was polite and kind of formal, as always when June's parents were around, but that didn't stop June's stomach from churning, internally praying that his parents would like him.

He picked at his food, having lost his appetite from his anxiety. It wasn't like this was an interrogation. It was just a family dinner... with one of his boyfriends and his parents.

He knew Malcom, Clay, and Sapnap were hanging out at Clay and Sapnap's house, waiting for them, and that only made him even more anxious.

He hated when people had to wait on him.

"So, uh, how'd you two meet again?" Mark asked. "I know Sophie's said it before, but I can't remember."

June frowned, and kept his gaze on his plate. The last thing he wanted tonight was to be deadnamed in front of Tommy. He knew it was gonna happen, obviously, but a boy can dream.

"Oh, Dre- er, Clay introduced us," Tommy replied. Mark and Sarah chuckled at his fumble.

"And this was online, correct?" Sarah checked.

"Yeah," Tommy confirmed.

June didn't know why she was asking. Tommy's literally British, and it wasn't like she had no previous knowledge of him.

June felt Tommy's hand rest on his thigh, almost as if the Brit could sense June's uncomfortable state. He laced their fingers together under the table, and squeezed Tommy's hand a little.

"Um, whenever you're done, we can head to Clay's," June mumbled to Tommy.

Tommy smiled back at him, and then turned back to answer another question.

It occurred to him in that moment that his parents were unaware of his relationship with Malcom.

They didn't try to hide it, of course. But they hadn't outright said anything, either.

With the added knowledge that Tommy's his boyfriend.. his parents were probably at least a little confused.

June would have to formerly introduce Malcom as his boyfriend to them as well at some point, but right now, they were only focused on Tommy.


June laid down on the floor as soon as he got into Clay's living room, Tommy exchanging a glance with Malcom. Sapnap had gotten back earlier that day, having flown to Texas and back rather than driving.

Sapnap passed him on the way to the couch, kicking his side lightly to acknowledge him. "Why are you dead?"

"Why aren't you?" June retorted. He lifted his hand in the air. "I'm still shakey."

Clay came in, setting Patches on June's stomach on his way to sitting next to Sapnap. "Here you go. Cat."

June started petting her. "Thanks."

Clay started a conversation about something that June didn't listen to, thinking about how much he didn't want Tommy to leave.

He got up, holding Patches to his chest like a baby, and sat next to Tommy, between him and Malcom. Patches, offended that June had moved, escaped his grasp to cuddle up in Malcom's lap.

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