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June woke up to Tommy quietly talking to someone who's voice that June didn't recognize. He was glad that his drowsy, sleep-deprived self had thought to plug his phone in with the charger, because he was certain that if he hadn't that it would've died, and ended the call.

"No, mum, I'm not e-dating a girl, I only met her a couple days ago," Tommy whispered. June frowned, knowing that Tommy was obviously talking about him.

June sometimes genuinely forgot that he lives in a safe little bubble when he's by himself. When no one's there, no one can misgender him and tell him that his gender identity is invalid; intentionally or not. Logically, Tommy would be accepting- at least upfront. He'd seen clips of him congratulating his fans for coming out to their families, but it was different when they legitimately knew each other.

But he had no idea how Tommy would react to someone he knew personally coming out to him as trans. It would be different if they'd met through messages rather than on a call, because then June could at least pretend to be a cis guy without being called out immediately, but that wasn't an option with how they were introduced.

Tommy's side of the line fell silent, so June waited another minute before shifting enough that Tommy could tell that he was awake now.

"June?" Tommy asked quietly.

"Hmm?" June replied sleepily. He hated the way his morning voice sounded, deeper than normal or not. He carefully sat up, and as soon as he was mostly vertical, his head starting pounding. He groaned lightly.

"You alright?"

"I have a headache," June mumbled in explaination. He glanced at the time  noting that it was only nine. "You're comin with me to get water," June decided, picking his phone up.

Tommy chuckled. "Alrighty then."

June was happily surprised to see that only his younger sister was out and about in the kitchen, which was a little odd.

He pulled an earbud out and turned to his sister.

"Is mom home?"

His sister shook her head. "No, she said she was leaving for a meeting with her boss, which is probably bullshit."

June nodded, wincing at the way it made his head feel worse. He got a glass of water and swallowed an Advil as well and went back up to his room. He got back under his covers, despite them now being too warm to be comfortable as the house warmed up with the day.

"Juuune," Tommy dragged out.

"Tommyyyyy," June mumbled back.

"Do you want to play Minecraft with me?"

"Yeah, but I don't have a computer yet. I have Roblox on my phone though," June replied. Tommy agreed, albeit a little reluctantly, and June had him join him in a tycoon he'd found at 3am a few weeks ago and really liked.

"'Frog Tycoon'? What the fu-"

"Tommy. If you question the frog tycoon, I will personally ensure that Wilbur throws you in a large body of water when you are unprepared and fully dressed," June threatened.

Tommy laughed. "What?"

"You heard me."


June quickly adjusted his earbuds, heart thudding against his chest as he biked as fast as he could towards Clay and Sapnap's house.

He knew that Clay wasn't home at the moment because he and their parents went out with some friends of theirs or whatever, but June just needed Sapnap for only a minute, really.

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