*Walker's POV*
I wasn't expecting to get that emotional but, everything just came flooding over me. EVERYTHING. I remembered Leah falling on her the side of her head. On her back down to her feet. And her arms smash between my head and the ground. I remember the little bit of blood that came from her head as I was holding her. I remembered everything. But Leah tapped me 5 times again. But the last one, she slide her finger up and down my thy in a breathing rhythm. I put my hand on hers flowing in the same rhythm. Giving her the message that I'm getting what she's telling me.

*Leah's POV*
I knew Walker got my hint. I was glad because I didn't want him to embarrass himself. "Wow, that's really powerful. I really do hope that... That a lot of people see this and hear this. That's really good. That's um... Jeez." Terry said with his eyebrows raised. I think it got to him too. "Sorry!" Me and Walker chuckled. "I didn't mean to bring you down." Walker smiled. We both started laughing. "I know! That's crazy though!" The man said while chuckling. "Well, on a brighter note.. uh!" I said jokingly.

*Walker's POV*
Leah knew how to change the mood. "Right! Um.." I started laughing again. "Um, we've definitely had our moments. Uh, a good one was when it was when we had like a crazy day and, we were like running and doing fun activities and stuff. That was a good one." Leah chuckled "It was. 'Cause like, like... That's what happens when we go to bed early." She said while chuckling and pointing at me. We all started laughing. I loved the way Leah could make everyone so happy.

"I think that's another reason I love Leah so much." She looked at me with her eyebrows raised and a smile. That beautiful dang smile. "What is, Walks..er?" She put both of her lips in, smiling.. I smiled because she was about to call me 'Walk-star'. That was another thing she called me that when I don't think straight because, rockstars don't make since to her. She's so smart. I smiled, trying to hold back my laughter. "Um." I couldn't help it and chuckled "Um, sorry." I chuckled again. "Uh, it's the way she light.." I chuckled again! "It's like.." I ended up laughing and making Leah laugh so hard and Terry was just chuckling with a 'aww they look to cute' face. I pulled myself together and Leah just smiled the whole time. "I like the way she lights up everything, like uh, how she just.. Completely changed the mood a second ago. I love that. And she's, she's so good at it because it's like she does it in like, two seconds! It's really cool. It's really cool." Leah held my hand. I turned my head to look at her beautiful face. I wanted to kiss her so bad but, I had to control myself.

*Leah's POV*
Walker is so funny. The way he couldn't control his laugh when I almost called him 'Walkster' was hilarious! "He does the same thing. Just by like, giving me a hug or something. But um, he has his ways." I'm still smiling because of the way he couldn't help but laughing. He's so funny! Terry continued on with his questions. "That's great. I can see that!" He laughed. "So, next question... What was you guys' favorite thing to do if you had a break time?" Walker was about to speak "Um." Then he looked at me to see if I was going to answer first. "You can go." I didn't want to interrupt him. "Ok, thanks." I shook my head a smiled. "That's a good one. Um. I think it's mainly.. well. I don't know because we do like, a lot of stuff. So I can't say really choose one thing. But I'm sure she can, think of a good one." Then he looked at me again hinting at me to talk. "Yeah, I agree with Walker 'cause, sometimes we like, practice, uh, go for a walk, maybe grab a snack and chill. So, yeah, we do a lot of stuff." If I kept going I wouldn't have stoped. "Yeah, and most of the time, it's like we're actually doing something. Like, whats the word, Leah? Help me out." We started chuckling. "Like productive, maybe?" I hoped that's what he was looking for. "Yes! Yes! See, she gets me. Yeah." We started laughing again.

*Walker's POV*
Leah gets me like that. I love that girl so much. If I lost her, I'd be miserable for the rest of my life. We continued on with the interview for about 10 minutes. "Okay well, that's all! Thank you for your time!" Terry said smiling at us. "Thank you for having us." Me and Leah said at the same time. We did that a lot. When we left, me and Leah were walking holding hands and waiting for my mom. "That was pretty long." I said with a sigh. Leah looked at me and said "You liked it. I know you did." She said with raised eyebrows. "Okay, m-maybe a little bit." I said with small smile. Leah smiled. "I know you did." She said swinging my arm back and forth. I kissed her for about five seconds. "I've been waiting for that." I said with a sigh. "Oh, Walker. You're too much!" She laughed and hugged me. "I love you, Leah." I said squeezing her tight. "I love you so much, Walker." She kissed me. A few minutes later, my mom came.

*Leah's POV* (Back at the hotel)
"Now, I need some jogging pants and a sweatshirt." I said taking off my high heels. "God knows I do." Walker said while unbuttoning his shirt and walking out of my room. "I'll see you later, Leah." I smiled "In about 5 minutes, meet me the lobby." He nodded and blew a kiss. I caught it and blew on back. Of course he caught it. I made it to the lobby in chill clothes. Hardly anyone was there because it was lunch time for most people. "Hey." He came up, hugged me and kissed for like five seconds. When we broke apart, he smiled. "I love your smile so much, Walker." He put his hand on my cheek. "You look so beautiful, especially with no makeup." She said rubbing my cheek. I'm almost sure I blushed. "Thanks Walker." He pecked my lips and we got food delivered from Pizza Hut. Best way to chill after an interview.

A new one is coming very soon! It's gonna be great! Follow and stay tuned! 💙🩶

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