
I woke up with Nick this morning before going back to sleep, just so that I could comfort and hype him up a bit more so that he could go to training and not worry about me the entire time. I'm hoping that his coaches won't be so hard on him, mainly because it was my fault that he didn't go to training, but it's Saturday, which Nick tells me they're usually pretty light until the scrimmages. He is expecting me to go to that so once I woke back up at around 9:30am, just to get myself ready before leaving at 2:00pm.

I've got so much free time now since school is out. So passing the time doesn't consist of much besides me lounging on the couch, watching tv, and now drinking loads of water while doing so.

I had finished everything that I planned to do, still having about an hour until I had to leave, but just as I sat down to continue my lounging, the doorbell rung!!! I was quite confused as to who it could've been so I check the doorbell app on my phone as Nellie barks her lungs out. Once I find out who it is, I rush to the door. "Hi Sarah!!" I let out as she walks through the door. I close it behind her before we actually greet each other with a hug. "Hi dear, how are you?!?" Sarah asks me "I'm good, was gonna head out soon to nick's scrimmage. Did you want to come along?!?" I ask, completely serious but Sarah looks at me weird "I thought I was meant to be taking you. Nick called me just the other night saying something was up with your car???" I was genuinely confused for a second before I actually realize. I let out a deep sigh "shall we have a chat?!?" I ask as I lead the way to the couch.

When we sit down, I fill her in on everything that happened with me passing out and the hospital, making sure to add multiple "but I'm ok now's" in there.
"So yeah, not that I mind having you here or anything, he probably just lied about it so you could be his eyes" I say even though I really wanted to say that Nick has hired his mum as my babysitter.
I answer her questions before we sit around watching the great British bake off until we have to leave.


This morning has been overwhelming to say the least. When we finally got through morning meeting and started our workouts, there was loads of tension between the players and our coach. It's honestly a bit awkward but we all made it to break.
"Break" is like the hour we get between workouts and the scrimmage, so during that time, my mates and I were coming up with a plan to get Coach Singh to finally revise the crazy schedule of ours!

It was finally time for us to head out on the pitch to start warming up. Like normal, every so often I tend to look into the stands to see if Charlie made it yet, this time looking for both him and my mum.
I glanced over maybe four more times before I actually saw him...alone! I waited for him to come closer to the pitch before I ran over to ask him about it
"Hi!!" Charlie says as I wrap him in my arms "hi, you alright?!!" I ask, receiving a nod as we pull away "where's my mum?!?" Charlie chuckles a bit before answering "my babysitter you mean?!? She stopped by the toilets!!" "I- she's not.." I stutter, trying to find the words "Nick it's ok...I get why!!" He says as his arms wrap themselves around my neck. He smiles up at me, obviously finding my stuttering funny, but I can't help but smile back down at him as I leave a kiss on his lips.
"I won't be playing today, it's my punishment!" I say after we pull away, but I immediately regret telling Charlie. "Sorry" he frowns "what, no!! None of that was your fault and it was literally my choice which everyone agrees with except for coach. We're doing some sort of protest!!" "So, none of you are playing?!?" He asks and I can tell that he's not as happy about it as the rest of us "yea, not until she agrees to a schedule change!!" I say as Charlie looks down, fiddling with the hem of my sleeves. "What's wrong?!?" I ask as I lift his chin up to look at me. He tries to smile while shaking his head, but I know him too well to fall for it. "C'mon...what's up?!?" I ask, receiving a sigh, but I wait for his answer "I'm happy for you guys, but it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for me, Nick" "baby, it was bound to happen soon, we're all pretty fed up with having to put rugby before our families 24/7! It just so happened to be our situation that pushed everyone a bit over the edge. I promise it isn't your fault, no one is upset with you, nothing like that ok!??" I say trying my best to comfort him. He doesn't say anything but hug me "you alright?!" "Mhmm" he mumbles after I embrace him in a hug.
I made sure that Charlie was okay before I went back out to finish my warmup!

Through the Years with Nick and CharlieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant