13 | Room No 204

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She came to the parking lot outside for some quietness so that she could talk to her father and stood in front of a car which she was completely unaware of that the car she was in front of, belonged to non other than Jahaan's father Harshad Mehta. He would be going to the office in a while for some important office work.

Having spoken to her father, she cut the call and then turned towards her left side, she saw a familiar car just a short distance away. " Tanya looked at the car carefully.

She started thinking to herself that it was the same car that she had seen in college and outside her hostel, the same car that she had seen Mariah in too, she kept looking at that car.

after some time a person came out of that car. A 6-foot height person, with a muscular body, a black colored fitted shirt, and jeans with the same tiger tattoo on hand.

"This is the same person, I have seen this tattoo earlier too, what is he doing here? There's definitely something happening here between Mariah and this person. Mariah is up to something", Tanya started hiding in front of the same car that she was standing in front of.

This man went inside the hotel and Tanya kept looking at him like a thief. Mr Mehta was watching Tanya's movements from inside his car. He had seen Tanya earlier too, in photos with Jahaan, so he recognized her as soon as he saw her. He looks at her for a while from inside the car and then suddenly puts on the car's headlights on her face.

tanya, who was thinking that there was no one in the car, stood embarrassed and ran from there towards the hotel. Due to the light falling on her eyes, she could not see the person sitting in the car. She went towards the hotel and started following the man with the tattoo. He was going to the second floor of the hotel. tanya followed him till there.

That man came on the second floor and went to Room No. 204." Hey, he's inside the room, but why is he in the hotel, he has been here for so many days, I have been noticing him for a week now, he cannot be a tourist. tanya started thinking while standing on the floor.

It was about 5 minutes before she stood there thinking about these things, she also clicked a photo of that room from outside. She was still on the same floor when the door of room no 204 opened once again.

The man left the room and turned his back towards Tanya and went towards the stairs. Seeing that person leaving, Tanya followed him, this time the person was going toward the terrace. He went to the terrace and March stood on the stairs trying to hear something. A little time passed and there was no sound for a while, so Tanya also went up to the terrace. As far as her eyes could reach, she did not see anyone there. Then Tanya went further towards the balcony but there was no one there either. "No one is here, but I saw him coming here now", Tanya said softly.

As she turned back, that man was standing in front of her. tanya got scared and in a tone, she screamed out of fear. "Who are you? What do you want? And why are you following me?" He said "Following you?, I'm not following you", Tanya said in a trembling voice.

"Don't lie, you are following me from outside the hotel, first you came to my floor and then followed me to my room and then up to the terrace too, has someone sent you to spy on me?" He said in a loud voice.

" No I'm not following anyone and neither am I any spy, I am just a college student, I have come for my friend's sister's wedding " Tanya's voice was not coming out of fear. The person slowly started moving towards Tanya.

Then someone said in a familiar voice, "Hey, I told you to reach the terrace and call me." That voice was none other than Jahaan's.

He looked at tanya  and started saying, "You  forget things so quickly." Looking at Asher over there, the man slightly stepped to the side and said to Asher, "You, who are you?" Oh sorry Sir, sorry to disturb you, actually this is my girlfriend, we came to this wedding, but our parents do not like our relationship, and they have refused for us to meet, so we are trying to meet each other secretly. So I was going to meet here on the terrace, I told her to go upstairs and give me a call once she reached the terrace, but she forgets  things so fast," said jahaan . While jahaan  was speaking, tanya ran towards Jahaan, she hid behind him and grabbed Jahaan's left wrist with both her hands.

Looking with suspicious eyes the man asked, "Good? So you both are lovers?".

jahaan looked back pulled March by the waist and said, "Why do you doubt that we are not lovers? do you?"

" And if I say that I don't believe you, what would you do?"

"Now whether you to believe us or not, it is your problem, but the truth will remain the same and no one can change it." Jahaan said it with full confidence in his eyes, and then pulled March towards him and kissed her on the forehead.

" Yes, okay, but tell your girlfriend to stop taking interest in the lives of others, otherwise I am a very bad person," he said a left Jahaan watching him go.

"Thank you jahaan " tanya said while taking a long breath, looking at jahaan . When jahaan  also looked at tanya  simultaneously , he realized how close they were.

Their bodies were completely glued together and more. Their lips were only a few centimeters apart. Seeing each other, they stood apart together and started making a distance . Both were turning red with shame.

After a while again Jahaan said "You are here alone What are you doing, everyone was worried about you there, everyone was looking for you", jahaan looked at Tanya and said, "Hey, I went to attend a call" Before Tanya could say anything more.

Jahaan said, "If you want to attend the call, then take someone along, especially during the night. Come on now! Everyone is waiting for you there".

Jahaan went downstairs with Tanya. Seeing both of them coming down together, Jahaan's mother got an idea, after all she wanted to bring Jahaan and Tanya closer. She hurried to a waiter. Going towards him, on the pretext of hitting her by mistake, she asked him to push her a little, and standing on her side started enjoying the show.

Stopping her laughter, she said softly, "Sorry tanya  my girl, but trust me my jahaan  will handle you. The waiter did as he was  told. tanya  who was walking 2 steps behind jahaan  collided with the waiter and fell forward due to deteriorating balance. jahaan  turned around and grabbed tanya  with both hands, and once again both of them Fell forward due to deteriorating balance. Jahaan turned back and grabbed Tanya with both hands, and once again the lips of both of them came very close. They were both looking into each other's eyes.

After a few moments, he stood up again. Mrs. Mehta was enjoying herself a lot by standing away and seeing the whole scene. She laughed in her mind and said, "Well done Tanya, I had full faith in you, you finally brought feelings for yourself in Jahaan's mind. Look how he is turning red with shame. he Just learns to show his feelings. If so, then my worries will also end. illahi  and jordan  came towards both of them. "Where did you go? You disappeared after speaking for a while, was the phone  not working", illahi  asked.

"Yes everyone was looking for you, and you just disappeared without informing, now hurry up and go and sit on the seats, the bride and groom are going to come on the stage", jordan  also said that all three of them went and sat on the front seats.

jahaan sat next to tanya  and jordan  went to pick up his sister. "This is not your small town in Chicago, it is a big city like California, many types of people meet here and all the people are not good, I had seen you going up, so I came on time, otherwise". jahaan  turned slightly towards tanya  and said.

"Sorry, from hereafter I will take care of you, and will not let you go alone like this, and thank you also for saving me" tanya  and illahi  stayed there for a while and then after seeing the stage function, she came back to hostel. jordan  had dropped both of them to the   hostel. tanya  now had a new thing to think about after all this Room no 204. What was it like in Room no 204?

Who was that tattoo man? What does Mariah have to do with him ? Why is Mariah so scared and where does this Mariah go sitting in his car? She wanted to tell this to the rest, but she was afraid that her doubt might not be correct and if nothing happened as she was thinking, then everyone would consider her crazy.

Tale of Silent LongingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin