11| The Game Changer

Start from the beginning

Supposedly, these paths are different, from this world of mine, but I will walk on them until I get to my destination.

Jahaan got very impressed after reading that caption and saved it. He put his phone back into the pocket and started the car.

"Not like every other girl. There is definitely something different in her", he muttered and left for his home.

The next day, it was the submission day of the projects and also, results were going to be announced for their sessional exams.

Jahaan , Jordan  and Illahi  were completely shocked after seeing their result but more than being surprised about her result, Illahi  was shocked after getting to know about Tanya's result.

"What? Tanya  got the second highest marks in the class! But how is it even possible??? We were studying for the exams together!" Illahi  exclaimed.

"She always used to say that she had prepared very less for the exams. I was more afraid of her failing than myself but she turned out to be a game changer!" Jordan  uttered in shock

"Did you guys get the paper leaked? She never used to be alone so there are less or zero chances that she would have studied extra. Or do you guys have any different study material about which I don't know?" Jordan  asked Illahi .

"And if there is nothing like this, then how did she get more marks than me? She got 8 marks more than me! 8 marks Illahi ! 8 marks! 8 marks are too much!" He continued. Jahaan  was still not saying anything as he was left in complete disbelief by Tanya .

"Exactly! I don't know how she scored this much in the exams. I thought she was going to fail but....", Illahi started and trailed off when suddenly, a proud smile settled on her face.

"Wow, until today I had only heard about Tanya  being intelligent and today, I have seen it with my eyes. Our Tanya  came out to be a real genius", she added.

" Tanya was getting bored so she texted me and asked us to visit her. Let's go then?" Jordan  announced

Jahaan , who was sitting next to him, wanted to say yes, but as usual, he kept his introverted demeanor.

"I have some work on that side. Let me drop you guys there", Jahaan  muttered and the three of them left for hospital.

Tanya  had been sitting on the bed while waiting for everyone to come. Her gaze was constantly on the door and after sometime, it opened but instead of Tanya's friends, a nurse came inside for giving her routine injections.

"How are you, Tanya ? Well, you are recovering very quickly. The fever is gone. You just need a little more rest and then you will be completely fine", the nurse informed her while taking out the injection from the sanitized tray.

The injection was not even given to Tanya  properly when Jahaan , Jordan  and Illahi  arrived there. They stopped at the gate and started watching Tanya  from there only. The nurse was putting the injection on Tanya  who closed her eyes, being afraid of pain.

"I don't know why they give her 2 injections a day," Jordan  muttered while looking at the needle of the injection. After the injection, the nurse gave Tanya  and as soon as she left the room, all the three of them went inside.

On seeing her friends, Tanya's pain disappeared in a jiffy.

"Hey, genius Tanya ! You changed the game, dude. Why didn't you tell us before that we have befriended Einstein in the form of you", Jordan  joked.

"Why didn't any of you expect that my marks would be decent?" Tanya  asked with a chuckle.

"Decent? I had a feeling that you are gonna fail but you literally surprised everyone. You have to be my teacher from the next semester", Illahi commented and the three of them sat down and started talking about college while Jahaan  sat quietly as usual and listened to them all.

After a while, Jahaan  took out a packet of chips from his bag.

"Oh yes, Tanya ! You asked me to bring a packet of chips and here it is. But what are you gonna do with that?" Jordan  asked, holding the packet of chips when suddenly, Tanya  snatched it from his hands. She tore the packet open and started eating quickly.

"What do you mean by what am I gonna do with these chips? Obviously I'm going to eat them . My life has become tasteless after eating boiled vegetables, mashed potatoes and hospital porridge", Tanya  whined with a mouthful of chips.

Jahaan snatched the packet of chips from her hand and started eating it himself.

"Oh I suddenly feel like eating some chips today", he muttered and continued eating.

"This is not fair, Jahaan . Jordan  brought those chips for me. Go buy one for yourself", Tanya  requested but Jahaan  didn't say anything and continued eating the chips. He ate the whole packet in front of her and then threw the packet in the dustbin.

"You have eaten the entire packet of chips and didn't even leave one piece to me? What am I gonna eat now?" Tanya sobbed like a child.

"Ohh I'm sorry, I ate all the chips. Now, just eat the lunch you got from the hospital", Jahaan  said without any expression. Tanya  understood the purpose behind Jahaan 's eating the entire packet of chips and henceforth started eating mashed potatoes silently with a smile.

After finishing the meal, she laid down lightly. "Maybe I will get discharged soon, then I will come back to college. Anyway I am fine now", She murmured when in reality, she wasn't feeling completely well. She had to take medicines and started feeling sleepy but she wanted to spend some more time with her friends, so she tried to stay awake.

"Come on now, I have to go home a little early today. Have some work to complete", Jordan  announced, getting up.

"And I am gonna come in the evening to check on you along with your medicines. Jahaan , you can stay here. We are leaving", Illahi  muttered and left.

Tanya was now alone with Jahaan . Neither of them were saying anything and an awkward air surrounded them when suddenly, Jahaan's phone rang. He got up and went outside the room to take up the call.

"I think I should talk to Tanya  about anything. She must be getting bored", Jahaan  mumbled, after disconnecting the call. When he got back inside, he noticed that Tanya  had already slept. He came to sit down beside her and realised that she looked very innocent while sleeping.

"She wastes all her energy in getting excited about little things and now, she is fast asleep", he muttered with a chuckle. His hand went over Tanya's face and he snapped her photograph from his phone.

"You look so peaceful when you sleep but in reality, you are just a noisy, little creature", he whispered and after some time, Illahi entered the room. She slowly put the medicines on the table beside Tanya's bed and left a sticky note which read-

Medicines. Don't forget to take them on time. I came to check upon you but you were sleeping, so I didn't bother to disturb you. See you in the morning. Take some rest and get well soon.


After putting that note and medicines on the table, Illahi and Jahaan came out of the hospital. Illahi started leaving when suddenly, she turned to Jahaan .

" Jahaan , can you drop me to my hostel?" She asked.

"Sure", Jahaan replied and they both got inside his car.

There was a big reason behind Illahi suddenly asking Jahaan for a lift. She wanted to know what he had in mind for Tanya .

"Does he have feelings for her too? He apologized to Tanya , allowed her to join his group, visit her in the hospital and took care of her", Illahi thought and she now started to understand everything.

"Jahaan , if you don't mind, can I ask you something? You did not read Tanya 's letter but how did you come to know what was written in that letter? I mean that she wrote that letter after spending so much time as to what she should write and what she shouldn't. She wrote all her feelings in it. Tanya is just like a little girl. She doesn't have a filter and she blurts out everything", Illahi explained. Jahaan got awkward and didn't say anything while Illahi continued telling him more about Tanya . But, it was still not enough for Jahaan .

First target for this book is 50 likes and 30 comments next update will be out once the target is completed. 
I do not want only emojis or short words as comment I will only post if the target is completed till then Enjoy the update !! ❤️🎀

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