Bad Kitty

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"Yo Izz, wake up!!" Slash hollered, nudging Izzy awake with his boot.

 Izzy grumbled and rolled, "You wake up!" 

Slash laughed, "C'mon man we gotta go talk to Alan guy." 

Izzy grumbled, "Go without me.."

Slash picked him up and slung him over his shoulders military style, Izzy grumbled a little more but didn't complain as Slash carried him out to the car and tossed him in the back seat onto Duff. He kicked a little but Duff just smiled. Slash climbed into the driver's seat, because for whatever weird reason, in their group Slash was the driver. Who the fuck knows why, but it was just expected of him. 

Steven sat in the passenger seat, "I'm so excited! Are we gonna be signed by a real record company!? Are we gonna make an album!? We're gonna be famous! I can't wait- Wait does Michelle have to be home alone now? Oh no what if she misses us! I miss her! We're gonna be famous and she's gonna still be at home by herself! I miss her already we need to go back and check on her-" 

Axl from the backseat wrangled his arms around the passenger chair and covered Steven's mouth, "Popcorn, shush!" 

He removed his hands and Steven looked down, "Sorry Axl..." 

Duff cast Axl a glance, "You coulda been a little nicer 'bout it, man." 

Axl looked out the window, "Trust me I really couldn't." 

"Don't worry Stevie," Slash said with a grin, "Axl's just a bully."

Axl hissed and they laughed. "It's 'cause he's cursed," 

Izzy added in amusement. "How so?" 

"Duh, he's ginger." 

"Alright boys, I'm Alan Niven. I've heard you play before, 'course last time I came around to talk there were two less faces," he acknowledged Axl and Slash's presence. He pointed out to them, "You're bassist gave me your tape. You're good, alright, tape's shitty quality though. You've got everything on your part, I wanna help get you boys with what you need to be rockstars." 

Axl laughed, propping his cowboy boots up on the coffee table, "Honey what'd you think we were before you came along?" 

Izzy snickered, "Prima Donna." Axl hissed, flipping Izzy's hat off his head. 

Alan examined them all closely, "Got any questions for me?" 

Duff lit Slash's cigarette, "Uh yeah, where'd ya get that stick shoved up your ass from, Al?" they laughed. 

"Alright, so I'm picking up a different vibe from you guys than the other bands."

"'Cause we're not like any other band," Izzy said, readjusting his hat.

Axl crossed his arms and legs, "Listen, man, we don't wanna fuck around with big corporate fuckers who're just in it for cash. We wanna make music our way, and we don't care who manages us or signs us as long as they let us do that." 

Duff nodded, "Yeah we've been around, we can get plenty of other people to manage us who get what we need." 

Alan nodded, "Okay so I'm gonna drop the bullshit right now," he took his sunglasses of his face and put them on top of his head. "The music business sucks. I respect people who can hold onto music, let alone going out there to make their own. I've managed a couple bands, they all want the same thing, just get rich and famous, but I like you guys a little more, you're different. 'Cause you don't care. You don't even care at all, not about a single thing. I think that's the kinda thing people need." He sat back a little, "You're right, everybody these days' got a stick up their ass, I think musicians like you is what people need to hear." 

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