Hold Us Together.

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"Yo, what the hell?! You can't just go fussin' at someone, just accept it and move on! It ain't in our power to get on the God damn bus. Ain't nobody gon' change that! You talkin' like that is just gon' make him make you wait too!" She said breathing heavily. Leah NEVER cussed when she's mad. And she used her slang accent when she gets mad. She I unwrinkled her face, closed her eyes with her hands cuffed around her mouth and put her head down. She sniffed and looked back up at me with teary eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm not mad at you. I just ... I hate it when you get upset. And thank you, really. Just control yourself, okay? You just have to breathe. You gotta... you gotta show them your chill side, Walker. Thank you though. I get it. I understand. But we have hold fast." She said rubbing my shoulders. I just got so sad and mad at the same time, and I burst into tears.

*Leah's POV*
After I said that, I saw my Walker burst into tears. It hurt like hades to see him do that. I know he's crying because he hates when people do that. He doesn't like bullies. At all. "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey. It's okay. I'm okay-We're both okay." He started crying harder. "Walker, hey, look at me. Please." He slowly looked up at me with sad eyes. I had to hold my tears back. If I cried too, it wouldn't be easy coming out of it. I took a gulp trying to resist the urge to cry. I put my hands on his cheeks. "Breathe, baby boy. Breathe." He took my hands and we both took a deep breath shakily. I shook my head and said "It's okay." I pulled him in a hug. "Shhhh shhh shh." I tried my best to comfort him, putting my arms under his and placing my hands on his shoulders.

*Walker's POV*
Leah was my peace in the storm. I hated how people treated her, she's so sweet, she goes through so much, but they don't know that. I cried softly in her pretty braided hair. "Thank you" I whispered. "Always." She sniffed so I assumed she was crying, so I tried my best to stop. Last time we cried together, it took us forever to bounce back. "I just... I hate the way some people treat you." I felt a flood of tears on my chest. "I know. I know." She said with her voice cracking up. I hugged her tighter. "Shh shh shhh." Then I pulled her back to look at her and put my hands on her cheeks. "Breathe, baby girl... Breathe." I had to return the peaceful favor. Her eyes were red and teary. It broke my heart to see her cry but, yet... She was still so beautiful. She took my hands and we took a deep breath.

*Leah's POV*
Walker knew about everything I was going through. He always had my back. After a bit, we went back to get our 11:30 bus tickets. "Can you give us 11:30 tickets? We missed our 11:00 bus just so you know." I was still so mad at that teen, but I had to keep my cool. I also had Walker's hand to hold. I had to keep him calm too. Even though I asked nice, again he said "No." I was really getting mad now. Walker was too. "You son of a-" I squeezed his hand. Giving him a sign to calm down. He inhaled very sharply. "Sir. Could you explain why you won't give us a ticket this time... please." Walker said through gritted teeth. "Because, you both need the 11:20 tickets here sorry for being disrespectful." I was still mad. He looked fake. He said it all in one sentence, rolling his eyes. Like he only said it, just to be saying it. The man handed us the tickets and we snatched them. Me and Walker had our reason to be angry. "Thank you.... Jeff." We both said 'Jeff' with attitude.

*Walker's POV*
Me and Leah were walking to the bus. "I could've punched his teeth out. Sometimes, sorry really does not cut it. I mean, it looked like he didn't even mean it." I said with anger but I still peace because I had Leah's hand. "I know, it's ok. Let's just get on the God dang bus." As we both went on the bus, we gave the driver our tickets, she was caucasian and short. Then, she looked at us with a shocked face. "I'm sorry, Leah and Walker?" I thought she wants a picture or something. "Yes?" We both replied. "Um, first I am a fan! And second, Leah, you have the schedule for 11:30. Was that purposely done?" I was as mad as HE... Hades. Leah stepped up. Oh no. "Excuse me, may I see these?" I know my girlfriend is now pissed off. Really bad. "Yes, here you go. By the way you are so pretty." Leah was still kind to the lady. "Thank you!" As soon as Leah turned around, her face went dark. "Oh, also! If you two are together, you don't need separate tickets." Leah got even more mad. "Oh really?" I said beginning to get pissed again. "Well, thank you ma'am." She nodded and smiled. As soon as I turned around, I know I was red.

*Leah's POV*
I stormed down the bus stairs. When I went back to the gate, the ticket man was sitting on the bench reading a freaking newspaper. I. Was. Pissed. "What's wrong with you? You gave me 11:30 ticket, and you knew that! Do you need to pray or something? Do you need a companion? Do you need something to fix yourself?!" I was so mad. "No, I just hate you." The man said with no hesitation. My heart beat sped up. Walker went up to the man and whispered in his ear. "You and your thoughts are crap. And you're pretty lucky that Leah is here, or else, you'd be physically hurt, whether I have a sword or not. You really, REALLY need to consider mental health therapy because, you sir, have a problem that needs to be fixed. Have a blessed day. Cause you need one." Walker said with his face red and teeth gritted. I put my hand on the man's shoulder and whispered "Hate only keeps you more lonely than you already are." I snatched my hand off of his shoulder. If I would said what I wanted to say, I would've been just as bad as he was. "Come on." Walker took my hand and we walked to the bus. We had to wait for about 5 minutes for other people to get on the bus.

*Walker's POV*
We got ready to leave. Leah had her face turned to the window. "Leah?" I put my hand on top of hers and interlocked my fingers. "You okay?" I know she might get mad. I just didn't want that to be another one of those stresses."Yes, Walker. Thank you.. A lot. I really appreciate it. More than you think." I was glad to know she was okay. "Oh trust me, I know." I grinned and her and kissed her temple.

*Leah's POV*
Walker felt what I felt. He always knew how I'm feeling. When he kisses my on my temple it calms me down a bit. I let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." I closed my eyes and kissed him slowly and softly. I needed it. When we slowly broke apart he said "No, thank you. That's what I needed." Hearing Walker say that was my confirmation that we need each other. "Me too." I said as I buried my head in his shoulder and he rest his head on mine. We slowly drifted to sleep. When I woke up the bus stopped. "Okay, everyone have a great time!" The bus driver said opening the doors. "Hey bud, it's time to go." I whispered to Walker shaking him softly. "Huh?" He had that raspy voice I loved. I giggled "It's time to go Walkie." He opened his eyes and kissed me. "I love you, Leah." My heart warmed. "I love you too, Walker." Walker is my blessing. I'm so glad to have him. When we arrived we met my brother who would be staying with us.

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