Seeing that he was silent, Amelia gradually withdrew her gaze to the man who hadn't said a word.

"James, as I said, I'm insecure, I don't have the same status as you do, and I can't give birth to children. These are the obstacles that are hindering me."

"In the future, I'll try my best to do what I can to overcome the hurdles, but for now, we're not suited to be together. We should go our ways and take some time to calm ourselves. This is what works best for both of us."

Her extraordinarily rational words spoken in an incredibly calm and gentle tone left James dazed.

He released his grip on the woman in his arms. Leaning against the sofa with his chin slightly raised, he remained to stare at her beautiful face...

Similarly, Amelia's gaze was lowered in embarrassment while she looked into the eyes of the man holding her tightly.

Without saying a word, they went on, their stern and determined gaze meeting each other's eyes.

The wordless silence, along with the unnoticed elapse of time, slowly eroded the rare peace that existed between the two of them right then...

In the end, James broke the silence. "Amelia, since you think we're not suited to get into a relationship for now, let's break up..."

Just as Amelia was about to nod, James hooked her chin with overbearingness shining in his eyes.

"After a breakup, let me win you over."

Amelia turned her head slightly, she couldn't understand James.

"Did I not make myself clear? Or are you deaf?"

He stroked her cheek with his fingertips, and said softly, "I have never done that in the past, so let me start now. If you still think we're not meant to be, then I will let you go and never pester you again."

Amelia parted her red lips as she was about to object, but James pressed his fingertips against them.

"You just need some time to overcome this emotional barrier, so let me do that with you."

What Amelia meant was to grow on her own, not with him.

But he said arbitrarily, "Then it's decided. You may leave now."

Amelia lifted her well-trimmed brows.


James put his arm around her slender waist, and tugged her forward forcefully, bringing her closer to his lower body.

"If you're not going to leave, then why don't you give me a hand."

As she felt something from his lower body grow hard, Amelia's face turned red. She quickly pulled away from him.

Refusing to make eye contact, she turned to leave. As if something were chasing her from behind, she quickly left.

Seeing that petite figure disappearing from the room in a panic, James suddenly collapsed onto the sofa.

He raised his slender fingers and rubbed his temples, which were throbbing in pain. The heavy eye bags under his eyes were the complete opposite of the hope that shone on them.

As long as Amelia still loved him, that was enough. He was willing to get rid of any obstacles that stood between them...

He lay on the sofa, and after a short rest, pulled out his mobile phone and called Stella.

Stella was busy attending to a few patients at the hospital. When she saw his call, she quickly handed over the work to another doctor.

After she turned and walked out of the ward, she answered the call.

I got married without you [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora