"God gifted me a Soulmate upon my birth. A Human Soulmate, which isn't forbidden if allowed by God. I've been feeling her presence."

"Her name is Nevelyn Winchester

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"Her name is Nevelyn Winchester. She's your Paternal half Sister."

"The microsecond that two Soulmates are in the same vicinity, it sends a sort of invisible celestial wave that tells every Angel that one of theirs has found their Soulmate

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"The microsecond that two Soulmates are in the same vicinity, it sends a sort of invisible celestial wave that tells every Angel that one of theirs has found their Soulmate. Unless Demons have a way into the wave, I don't know how they could have found her."

"The minute that she knows that she's my Soulmate, it sends off a beacon that let's every Angel and possibly Demon know that she is unclaimed

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"The minute that she knows that she's my Soulmate, it sends off a beacon that let's every Angel and possibly Demon know that she is unclaimed."

"God makes Angels without souls

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"God makes Angels without souls. Only select Angels are gifted with a Soulmate due to either good service or destiny. Soulmates carry their Angels souls. Two souls in one body. Do you have any idea what Demons and Rogue Angels could do with two souls? Because I do, and it's not pretty. Once both parties commit to each other, I get my soul. Until then, Neve is in danger."

"Oh my

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"Oh my. The Angel and the Human. Soulmates till the end. You feel what she feels, don't you, sweetie?"

 You feel what she feels, don't you, sweetie?"

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"All done."

Rowena says, removing the needle from the Angels neck.

Neve stumbles back, her back hitting the wall behind her. Sam and Dean are quickly on their feet.


They ask in unison. Dean reaches his Sister first, gripping her arms. Sam watches as Castiel sits up. His eyes blown wide with panic.

"Neve, I can explain."

He rushes, getting off of the bed and attempting to approach her with his hands out. She scoffs.

"This is the big secret?! I thought it was because I'm a Winchester or because I know about the supernatural! Not because I'm a damn Angels pet!"

Neve exclaims angrily, her eyes filling with tears.

Dean makes a face of realisation and Sam sighs. Neve thrusts herself from Dean's grip.

"You both kept this from me, too! You all can go to Hell!"

Neve snaps, pushing her way to the door.

"Neve! Wait!"

Come the voices of Dean, Sam and Castiel. She ignores them.

"Leave her be. I'll go after her."

Rowena promises with a sigh, picking her bag up before following after the youngest Winchester.


Neve knew it was reckless to storm off and leave the safety of the Motel room and halt the plan further, but she couldn't stand looking into their guilt ridden eyes any longer.

She only managed to reach the entrance to the Motel parking lot when hurried footsteps and an out of breath voice stopped her.

"Oh, my Dear. You are a fast one."

Rowena smiles and Neve sighs, turning to the Witch.

"I'm overwhelmed, Rowena. I just discovered that my whole life wasn't even my own. I understand Castiel keeping this from me, but my Brothers? They promised me honesty, not deception. How can I trust them now?"

The woman asks, tears streaming down her face. She's never felt so alone.

"In the time I've known the Winchesters, I can say that they don't care to much for outsiders, but family? There's nothing they wouldn't do for family. The Angel isn't so bad either."

Rowena says and Neve sags her tense shoulders.

"Well, well, well. This was way easier than we thought."

Both Neve and Rowena turn slowly to see four Angles stood behind them. Neve's eyes widen. She didn't want Rowena to suffer because of her.


She demands, but Rowena hesitates, readying herself for a spell. Thrusting her hands outwards, two Angels go flying across the tarmac.

"Rowena! Go! Get the others!"

Neve is grabbed and Rowena curses, taking off for the Motel room.

She catches a glimpse of Neve fighting to free herself before she turns the corner.


This chapter has been edited.

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now