■Update 2■

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To start with, I would like to thank everyone for 1k followers. I was honestly so surprised to see it when opening the app/website, I never really thought it could happen.

The other thing I would like to do is apologize. As of now I plan to put all stories on hold.

I don't believe anyone ever shares how much a surgery to a major body part can have a mental toll on someone and perhaps I'm fine sharing this because I know no one knows me personally here, but the first month was hell. There were times I didn't want to continue on in life and would cry myself to sleep and even now it's a struggle. With how things are going, I may potentially loose my ability to walk like normal completely due to an unforseen circumstance of my hip trying to compensate for my leg (which is apparently the first time my physical therapists have seen this happen).

Before surgery. I was able to bend my leg at a nice 140 degrees. Now I just reached 64 degrees two months after surgery, which is really far behind. To share what I mean normally after about 2 weeks of knee surgery a patient is expected to bend it again at 100 degrees. And 4-6 weeks is expected to have full range of motion.

As someone who was quite active and am still pretty young, this whole thing has really put a stump to my mental health and I find myself unable to even try and write remotely any sentence, and if I try I hate it so much and redo it.

I am really sorry for this update and I thank all of you who have supported me this far. I hope to get back to writing again soon, before the middle of this year, but I am unsure due to how this healing process has gone.

Again, I'm really grateful for everyone who reads these stories and I hope you can enjoy, and reread until I start updating once again

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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