He yells angrily and one of the male Angels flicks his wrist and Dean goes flying into the bushes.

Neve gasps in panic, her hands dropping the basket. Sam and Castiel do their best to fight the Angels, but are quickly overpowered.

Against better judgment, Neve rushes outside, her eyes finding Dean's dropped blade. She shakily picks it up as two Angels begin to choke Sam.

The other two Angels were gripping Castiel painfully as Neve sneaks up behind one. Taking a deep breath, she thrusts the blade into one of the male Angels holding Castiel.

Pure white light emits from his eyes and mouth as well as a painful scream. It lasts for a few seconds before the body drops to the ground, it's eyes blackened out.

Though terrified, Neve aims the blade at the remaining Angels, who look at her in shock.

"Get away from them!"

She demands just as Dean comes up behind her. They cautiously back away. Dean goes to help Sam up while Castiel stands protectively in front of Neve.

"Nevelyn, we aren't your enemy."

One of the female Angels says and Neve scoffs, glaring.

"Trying to kill my family sure paints a different picture, Lady!"

She snaps back and Dean smirks proudly at his Sister.

"You heard her, get the hell out of here, and tell Chuck to come himself if he wants to talk."

Dean says and the Angels exchange glances before disappearing. Neve let's out a breath she never knew she was holding.

"You did great, Kid. Here, lemme take that."

Dean gently pries the blade out of her hand. Castiel's hands go to her face, his eyes full of worry.

"Are you ok?"

He asks and she lets out a nervous laugh, feeling nauseous.

"I just killed an Angel. I'm going to Hell."

She says, but Castiel frowns, shaking his head.

"No, you're not. Let's get you home."

He says, leading her over to the Impala, leaving the Brothers to follow.


"How is she?"

Sam asks as Castiel enters the room. He sighs heavily.

"She seems to be in shock. She's sleeping now."

He says and Sam nods. Dean groans, rubbing his eyes.

"Why would the Angels want you?"

He asks, eyeing his friend through tired eyes.

"I assume it's because I broke Heaven laws by reading my destiny."

He says and Sam frowns, an idea forming in his head, but before he could speak on it, a scream has all of them running to Neve's room.

Dean throws the door open, his entire body calming at seeing Jack stood at the foot of Neve's bed.

Sam frowns at seeing the young man while Castiel smiles.


The Angel mumbles. Neve is stuffed against her headboard, petrified out of her skull.

"Jack, why don't you back away a bit before you give Neve a conary."

Dean says and Jack frowns, but does as the older Winchester asks. Neve shakily releases a breath.

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now