With that, Dean leaves the room, leaving Castiel to mull over his words.


Dean, Sam and Castiel enter the bunker, tired from their recent hunt. A Vampires nest. They all trudge down the stairs.


Dean says, stopping at the map table and inhaling through his nose. He exhales with a smile and Sam and Castiel frown.

"I'd know that smell anywhere. That's pie. Fresh, sweet, straight outta the oven pie."

He says proudly, dropping his duffel on the ground before letting his nose follow the scent of freshly baked pie.

The duo follow the oldest Winchester into the kitchen where they find Neve. She is surrounded by food ingredients and utensils.

There is a blueberry pie freshly made on the table, as well as spaghetti and meatballs on the stove, waiting to be served.

Dean is frozen in the middle of the kitchen, mesmerised by the different foods while Sam and Castiel stood in the doorway.

Neve turns and almost jumps out of her skin at the sight of the others behind her.

"Jeez! You guys really have that down."

She chuckles, wiping her hands on a dish cloth. She gestures to the food.

"I made dinner and dessert."

She says shyly and Dean smiles widely, making a beeline for the pie. Neve is taken aback, but doesn't comment. Instead, she turns to Castiel.

"Castiel? I did some reading on Angels and used it on my culinary skills. Water with a slice of lemon and a bowl of blueberries and strawberries. Completely molecule free."

She says and Castiel looks at her in awe. Nobody has ever gone out of their way for him like this. She wanted him to enjoy a meal together. He doesn't know what to say.

 He doesn't know what to say

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"Thank you, Neve."

The Angel smiles politely and Neve nods shyly, her cheeks flushing. She portions up three bowls of food before joining them at the table.

"Thanks for doing all this, Neve. We would've probably just had a pizza or leftover takeout."

Sam says and Neve frowns, the Chef in her coming out.

"You guys eat like druken people often?"

She asks and Sam chuckles while Dean makes a face of acknowledgment.

"So...what did you guys hunt?"

Neve asks and Sam and Dean pause mid chew and exchange glances. Neve is none the wiser as she spoons a meatball into her mouth and Castiel is too busy examining his fruit bowl. Dean nods to Sam.

"Uh, a Vampire nest."

Sam says and Neve slowly looks up, her eyes wide.

"Oh. Did you get em?"

She asks and Dean nods with a smile through a mouthful of food.

"Sure did!"

He says proudly and Neve nods. Sam notices how much his Sister is trying, how hard this must be for her.

"So, Neve? What have you been up to since we left?"

Sam asks and Neve shrugs. Two days ago, the three of them told Neve that they had a case and to not leave the bunker under any circumstances until they returned.

"Well, with my temporary lockdown, I read a lot, learnt about Angels, Demons, Ghosts. Tidyed a lot. Explored."

She shrugs and Sam smiles softly at his Sister. Castiel feels guilty for keeping his Soulmate in captivity, but she couldn't know the truth, not yet.

"Well, now we're back, we're gonna start working on getting you out."

Dean says. Neve nods, relieved of the idea of being able to go out alone again and maybe go back to work.


This chapter has been edited.

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now